Kyoto's cage is all ready


New member
Mar 18, 2015
Halifax, NS, Canada
Kyoto (AKA Kyo)-Green Cheek Conure
Charlie - Canary
Tommy - Budgie
Sunny - budgie

Kyo (Green cheek conure) will be coming home in just a few days! My hubby made me a cage cover for her/him. It is attached to the cage with magnets. We have two cats (one of which is 35 pounds and the size of a large Linx), so to discourage them from climbing up the cover we cut it a bit higher.

The cage is in our bedroom for now, in order for the bird to feel safe for the first while. The cats are not allowed in there, but I figured if my hubby accidentally leaves the door open we should take the precaution to leave the cover a bit short.

My goal is to eventually move the cage into the living room after slowly introducing the cats to it and the bird and once we are certain that we can leave the cage down there unattended (IF that even happens). We kept the cage empty in the living room for the first few weeks that we had to to desensitize the cats to it, which seems to have worked, but I'm not convinced that they will still ignore it with a bird in it.

We are just trying to be smart and safe. I feel that never introducing the two would be hazardous, in the case of accidentally leaving the room door open, but also putting the bird in their environment right away could probably also be bad. Trying to find a middle-ground and a reasonable solution.

Keeping our fingers crossed for the best case scenario!

Sarah and Kyoto :green2:
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Aww, I can't see your picture:(
I'm glad you are taking steps for safety! We never have our small birds out with the cat, but we work on training with the cat anyway, just in case.

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