living in a tiny room with 17 birds


New member
Dec 17, 2012
I moved from a huge house where my birds had free roam of play gyms and stands to a small house with dogs where my birds are all in one tiny room. I had to sell their huge cages and put them in smaller cages. So for the next 12 months my poor babies are all going to be stuck bored in tiny cages :( It sucks really badly, but theres nothing I can do except for create a better future for them by saving every penny I can so I can get a house down the line. My poor babies are all mad at me and holding grudges. My sweetest girl has turned into a total psycho. I have four green cheeks, three doves, two cockatiels, and six parakeets. I feel so guilty but I am going to rehome four of my parakeets and the three doves. I'm not rehoming my cockatiels because they are mate bonded and elderly. and two of my parakeets are my favorites. I absolutely cant rehome the green cheeks because I love them the most. I'm trying my best under these unfortunate conditions. I lived in a 5 bedroom house until my break up. and now I'm living in my parents house and I have my doves, parakeets, cockatiels, and green cheeks in my room and also my friends amazon, jenday conure, and four bunnies. Its so hard to socialize with one bird. and I havent kept up with wing clipping because im just so stressed with everything. I feel like I let my flock down. For now I'm just trying to towel and pet my birds daily so they are still used to me. but I work too much to play with them outside of the cage. Today I plan on cleaning the cages and clipping their wings and keeping up on it from now on. Its just that I work two full time jobs so I can get my own place again.
:( Has anybody else had to move into a tiny place where birds arent welcome? How did your flock handle it? Did any of them become aggressive? and how did they act when you were able to have them out after moving to a bigger place? After being caged for so long, were you able to rehabilitate them back to their normal behavior?


New member
Jul 15, 2009
Don't be so hard on yourself. It sounds like you are doing the very best you can. They will survive. It was probably crowded on the ark, you know. ;)

I spent one winter with birds in a bedroom when I stayed with my daughter to help her out while my husband was away on business. We closed up my house so all the birds came along. I didn't have nearly that many then, but it was still confining.

What I did was string rope across the room in two directions above everything so they had somewhere to hang out when they were uncaged.

I also made a habit of lying down on the bed and forcing myself to just relax while talking to all of them as they came in and out of their cages. That really helped!

I installed a screen door on the bedroom door so the birds could see outside the room and my daughter's cats could not enter. The cats enjoyed bird TV from the hallway.

This was only a few months when I did it, but no one was the worse for wear for the experience. They were happy to get back to their bird room though!

I should also add that I lived aboard our sailboat with Rose and LaFitte. Now THAT was cozy. And one winter we traveled in our fifth wheel with Rose on eggs (which hatched!).


New member
Apr 8, 2013
Redding, CA
TAG Spirit,RLA Danny,Senegal Damon, Parrotlet Opal, B&G Paris
It will work out. You are doing good. Just send time the best as you can.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Dallas and Tsukasa (Cockatiels)
Mango and Munchlax (Peach Faced Lovebirds)
i'm sorry to hear things are rough for you right now :(

it's only temporary and you are doing the best you can :)

i would suggest an air purifier though to help the air quality, as well as second the good air circulation in the room.

the birds may not be mad at you, but the change may cause them to feel uneasy, so they are acting out of the stress of change.

hang in there, take each day at a time and take time to breathe ;) you'll all be rewarded when your hard work pays off


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2012
Largo, Florida
Timneh African Grey (Bailey), Lovebird (Elvis)
Things will work out. The birds are going through these changes, same as you. They are stressed, and feeding off of your stress. But, all will be okay. Birds don't mind things as much as we do, or as much as we think they do. When I was actively running my rescue, a friend had to give up his rescue work. I took in his birds. At that time, I had 43 birds in 31 cages in a 2 bedroom house. :eek: I had cages everywhere, in every room, bathroom included. But, we were one big happy flock! Of course, I thinned things down eventually. But, it took a while, and we lived like that for many months with no great issues. Okay, maybe a bit of noise. :p I wasn't married then. And my wife feels that we live in a petshop now! Here's a photo of our livingroom. There are a few more cages in a spare bedroom for my rescues and boarders.


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New member
Jul 13, 2011
Darcy (Golden-Collared Macaw), Puck (Caique - RIP)
I would just worry about air quality, so I would invest in a good air purifier, and make sure you get fresh air flow as much as you can. The birds are keeping each other company, so they're not lonely. They don't have as much space as they used to, and moving is a big adjustment for them, but they should be okay.

It sounds like you care a lot about your birds! Breakups are very difficult, especially when you have to move. Try not to be too hard on yourself.


New member
Jul 5, 2012
SE Florida and Sullivan County, NY
Cody-Blu, female Blue-Crowned Conure, Hatched - (approx) June 1, 2014, in a South Florida tree.

Pritti (Cherry-Head Conure) -- Fly in Peace my beautiful boy. Forever I'll love you.
Maybe you could take turns with them and take one out of cage to be near you or come in the shower with you, or sit with you while you are eating, or when you lay down, even 15 or 20 minutes of one to one. If you can do this, it would probably make you feel good because having them near is so sweet.

Sorry to hear you have hit a rough patch. It will pass. Sounds like you are making great efforts to get ahead of it. Best wishes to you and your birdies.


New member
Apr 23, 2013
Upper Hutt, New Zealand
Andy a Harlequin Macaw
a pair or maroon bellied conures,
a pair of mulga parrots
Sounds like your doing your best and thats all that matters... as long as things are clean and the birds are getting fed properly everything is fine because remy is right.. they will keep eachother company!! Yea break ups are rough, my ex gf tried to let all my conures go and then take my favourite birds to peeve me off.... and it worked haha

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