Long time no post!


New member
Feb 17, 2013
Green cheek conure - Eva
Lutino Indian Ringneck - Adrian
Blue head pionus - Milo
Hello all! I haven't been on in forever and don't know if anyone will remember me. My name is Abbey and I have a lutino female named Adrian. She is about 14 months old now but I first started talking to you fellow IRN lovers when we got her at just 8 weeks old. We had a really bumpy start and, if anyone remembers, I was desperate and posting on here all the time trying to get help. The bluffing stage was LONG and exhausting with Adrian, but I am happy to report that she has come so far! We started out not even being able to get her to step up. She was mean and nasty from day one and stepping up alone took months to teach. Stepping up onto my hand without immediately biting took even longer. Then sitting on skin for an extended period without biting was EVEN longer. I thought for sure I would never be able to touch my bird. That's all over now! She still has plenty of growing and improving to do, but she has come so far. She now steps up no problem and is happy to just sit on my arm and preen. She gets bored pretty easily, so I have to keep her almost constantly entertained (when she isn't preening) or she will begin to nibble, but her bites are nowhere near as severe as they used to be. She finally earned shoulder privileges within the past few week! She is only allowed on my shoulder for brief periods at a time as I still don't 100% trust her not to bite my face since I can't see what she is doing. She still can't be trusted with our conure (and she might never, but that's okay), but she is civil with her as long as the conure isn't close enough for her to reach. I think it's a jealousy thing. She has learned to mimic several whistles I do to her but hasn't spoken. I know some never do, but I am still hopeful that she will. She seems to try when she thinks I'm not listening :) Anyway, sorry I haven't been on in so long. I'm so thankful for the help you all gave me during the most challenging times with Adrian and I'm so glad I stuck with it. Definitely worth it!
So good to hear such a wonderful update on Adrian!
I'd love to see pictures of both your beauties:)
Welcome back!
It won't let me see the picture, maybe you could change your setting for that picture to public on FB?
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I forget how to make the pics show up directly on the post, hence the links instead. Hope that works!
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It won't let me see the picture, maybe you could change your setting for that picture to public on FB?

Hmm. I will have to check it out and see what I can do. Can you tell me how to just post the pic directly into the thread rather than a link? I knew how to do it at one time and now I can't remember.
My irn used to talk only at dawn and dusk, he'd just sit there and 'jibberish out' for about 20mins twice a day. That was at around 10 months old. Now he's coming up 13 months and talking more in context, so it may still come - they are prolific talkers when the time is put in, and if he's mimicking already, that's a great sign! I have 4 & 6yr children who help me to get repetitive on whatever we're trying to teach him, and it's around 2weeks of solid effort, give or take, to hear the beginnings of the new phrases. Good luck!
Congrats on your progress with Adrian! She's so beautiful :) It's so wonderful when they do finally come around. I've definitely heard of some females being exceptionally talkative when they think no one is listening and then pretend to be quiet when they realize someone is, bahaha. Some birds do definitely just speak more than others. Shiko was talking at 5 months old and he hasn't stopped talking since. Sometimes I really, really miss the non-talking stage of his life, haha!
Omg im so glad that u post it this I just got 2 ring necks and well the girl is really silent and she lets me toche her but she is still scard the boy is more agresive and I think he is going true that bluffing stage and well I want it to ask u how long did it take u for ur to start getting used to u I had my for 1 month how long did it take u for this transformation
I do remember you and Adrian! I am so happy to hear this :). I have to commend you for your consistency and patience over a LONG period of time, without getting discouraged to the point that you give up. Good for you and Adrian!
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My irn used to talk only at dawn and dusk, he'd just sit there and 'jibberish out' for about 20mins twice a day. That was at around 10 months old. Now he's coming up 13 months and talking more in context, so it may still come - they are prolific talkers when the time is put in, and if he's mimicking already, that's a great sign! I have 4 & 6yr children who help me to get repetitive on whatever we're trying to teach him, and it's around 2weeks of solid effort, give or take, to hear the beginnings of the new phrases. Good luck!

I still have hope! Someone on an IRN fb group I belong to said he had lost hope of his girl talking, but then she said her first word at 15 months! We'll see :)

Congrats on your progress with Adrian! She's so beautiful :) It's so wonderful when they do finally come around. I've definitely heard of some females being exceptionally talkative when they think no one is listening and then pretend to be quiet when they realize someone is, bahaha. Some birds do definitely just speak more than others. Shiko was talking at 5 months old and he hasn't stopped talking since. Sometimes I really, really miss the non-talking stage of his life, haha!

Haha! I have thought about what may happen if she eventually talks and then won't stop. I might be wishing for these days back!

Omg im so glad that u post it this I just got 2 ring necks and well the girl is really silent and she lets me toche her but she is still scard the boy is more agresive and I think he is going true that bluffing stage and well I want it to ask u how long did it take u for ur to start getting used to u I had my for 1 month how long did it take u for this transformation

Hello! Congrats on your additions! My road with Adrian has been LONG. I would say she was comfortable in her new surroundings within a couple weeks, but she was nean as heck. She didn't seem fearful really, just stubborn and mean. I worked and worked with her and finally had success getting her to step up without biting by about 6-7 months. However, I don't think my trouble was necessarily typical. Many people I have spoken to have had a far easier time. I usually hear stories like mine from people who have adopted a re-homed adult ringneck. I got Adrian at only 8 weeks and hand fed but still had all this trouble. I sure hope you have an easier time! This group is so great and helpful. Also, check out the group Indian Ringneck lovers on fb! My name is Abbey Mercer, so look for me if you join!

I do remember you and Adrian! I am so happy to hear this :). I have to commend you for your consistency and patience over a LONG period of time, without getting discouraged to the point that you give up. Good for you and Adrian!

Thank you so much! The work paid off :)
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AHA! Figured out how to post pics :) so here are the requested pics of the girls.
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Thank you!

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