Lost my congo african grey

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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2013
San Antonio, TX
Presently have six Greenwing Macaw (17 yo), Red Fronted Macaw (12 yo), Red Lored Amazon (17 y.o.), Lilac Crowned Amazon (about 43 y.o.) and a Congo African Grey (11 y.o.)
Panama Amazon (1 Y.O.)
I am trying not to kick myself but I feel so stupid!

Now, keep in mind, flighted or not flighted, mine have been going out in a tree in the yard every nice day for five years. I haven't clipped wings recently, and they are pretty well flighted again.

So yesterday I had them out in the tree while I pressure washed cages, and cleaned the birdroom. We've done this same routine every week for five years without a single incident.

TUSK hates water, though, and while I was washing cages, he went to the tallest branch of the tree. (Which is normal for him. Only this time, he wouldn't come down. Which is not normal for him.) After awhile, I got tired of waiting, and climbed the tree to try and get him down. Couldn't quite reach him. So I grabbed a stick hoping I could either coax him to get on it, or fly to a lower branch.

He chose Option 3: Up, up, and away.

I searched all afternoon for him yesterday. Posted 50 fliers in the area. Got up at the crack of daun this morning when the birds normally vocalize... and found no trace of him.

Life lessons for everyone else: (1) It's better to have them stuck in a tree in your own yard, than flying off on you. I clearly did not think this all the way through. (2) I was complacent because mine are well behaved. They still can, at any given time. Mine did. (3) MAINTAIN THOSE WING CIIPPINGS! If he wasn't flighted he wouldn't have gotten any further than the neighbor's back yard. As it stands, he could be anywhere....

I can only hope that someone finds him before he starves to death, or dies of thirst.

Rachel and I raised this bird from an egg, and it was my last living link to her. I failed to keep him safe. This is all my fault!

I am devistated!
O no:( I so hop Tusk makes it home safely. I bet he will with as smart and bonded as he is! He's probably in someones tree right now being a noisy alarm clock and waiting for you to come find him. Are there any parks or open areas close by he may be hiding in? Please keep us posted.

This is a good reminder though, I saw some flight feathers after Kiwi's molt, I will clip them off today!
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Oh Mark, I am so so sorry. I will be praying for you that he comes home.
Mark I'm so sorry that Tusk is lost right now :( I really hope that someone finds him soon and he's returned safely to you...
I hope that Tusk makes his way back home to you, or that someone wonderful finds him and returns him to you. I am so sorry this has happened:(
Oh Im so sorry [Im sure you put it on craigslist ] . Please keep us updated.
I posted on your other thread... Wow I still cannot believe this. Ugh and your last sentence breaks my heart to read - I can imagine how that makes it all the more devastating.

You're right, clipping is not always a bad thing as people make it out to be. I see the benefits of flight, but we must all know it is a double edged sword... and accidents happen. I hate how this had to happen in order to be an eye opener and a reminder, but people reading here must know that with flighted birds comes the risk. A long clip as you put it, is what I personally prefer.
Mark, I am so very sorry that your beloved Tusk is missing. I know you are doing everything possible to find him and I hope he is returned home safely very soon. Best of luck to you and to Tusk.
I hope you find him, and I hope you had him micro chipped. Everyone should microchip their birds and if your bird is unclipped train them to wear a harness.
I will say a prayer you get him back.
Keep us updated.
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We had a sighting. He was in the top of a 40 foot tree in a park, the next subdivision over. I tried climbing the tree twice, but couldn't get anywhere close. So we went back and got a 25 foot ladder which got me to at least the branches directly below him.

Unfortunately, he spooked again, and was off to the next subdivision over from there... we looked for hours, but didn't find him again. I came within a few feet of getting him back...

The good news is we now know generally where to look.

He is microchipped.
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If by chance you located him before it got dark, I'd be out there before daybreak with favorite treats.....too bad he doesn't have a cagemate...if he did, it, a travel cage, ladder & I would be sitting on a branch before the sun came up, so he could see me & hear me & the cagemate before the sun came up.....

Good luck.....
I'm catching up and I am so sorry to see this post. I am so sorry to hear that Tusk took off and I hope you get him back very soon. I'm glad to hear you have him micro chipped but I hope he comes home soon. Keep us posted, I hope to see a "he's home" message soon.
I'm glad you at least know he's alive and nearby! By now, I would imagine he's got to be hungry by this point, so maybe take some of his regular food and treats with you when you go out looking? Might be a strong motivator if he see dinner/breakfast to return! Does he get along particularly well with any of your other birds? Perhaps one of them could come along in a cage to entice him down?
Great to hear your update that you seen TUSK, never give up hope, Kiwibird has an EXCELLENT suggestion, and I read on your profile that you have many other large pet parrots like Tusk. If you can get some your family and friends to help.
Early morning bring out some of your parrots (secured) and some plastic containers with seed, shake the seeds and start feeding your other parrots, then call for Tusk sweetly, Tusk has good eyes and ears and a hungry belly, he should fly down to you.
Keep us posted...
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Oh I'm so sorry about Tusk!! I hope he comes back to you safe and sound! Good luck...prayers your way.
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The good news is we know where to look for him. The bad news is he has now flown into an area that is densely treed.

We have ads up. We tried food. He has a buddy bird. We tried that. He is so spooked at the moment that his wild "flight" instinct has taken over and he flies off at the drop of a hat.

He's scared out of his mind.

He's not the only one.
My heart breaks for you birdman. If ever there was a caring person its you. All the help you have given I just wish i could return the favor.
Man - I am just sick for you. It makes me sad every time I see this thread. I hope you find him soon. Thinking of you and praying you find him soon.
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