Luke Charlie & Harley


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Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
My Son, Luke has fallen in love with the little Bourkes and has really made them his. He has been taking them up to his room and letting them have a fly round and doing a spot of training with them.
This is day two of him having them out of the cage. Harley, the more nervous of the two had no hesitation in getting up onto his hand and walking up and down his arm, which has pleased him no end.


Charlie who is usually the first to step up and not get down was more interested in the teddies, he finally found one he liked and cuddled up and went to sleep. Guess he found the training sessions really boring.


He has fallen for these little guys so much that now he wants some Rosa Bourkes, we saw some today and that was it he is definately smitten.

Harley has decided that Luke is definately his and will do anything he asks, if I ask him to step up he takes no notice, and just gives me a look as if to say I don't think so, now go away. LOL
Nice to see Luke and the Bourke's are getting on as they are. You son looks so proud that he has birds of his own!

What an adorable boy you have! He is so cute. I'm glad he takes an interest in the birds like that.
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Thanks Michael and Alison, It really is nice to see him with these little guys, he is totally smitten with them and he seems to have a way with them, he seems to know what they like and want and the same with them. He takes great pride in cleaning them out and playing with them, food and water. It is great and I could sit and watch him all day when he is training them. I asked him where he found out about this and he said he has been doing some research.

Now if I could only get him as interested in doing his homework!! LOL
Peta, it is so nice to see your boy with the bourkes! Such a gentle, fragile species they seem to be. Their soft chirps are endearing.. I can see why he is smitten! And he is quite a handsome fellow! My 9-yr-old is asleep now, but I will show her the picture tomorrow and I just know she's going to want to be a pen-pal for that cutie! :D

Thanks for sharing the pics..
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Thanks MKay, he is now in the process of trying to convince us that he should have some Rosa Bourkes, He really can do anything with these two. He's even asked me to pop out to the pet store tomorrow to get a small playstand for them. I said I would and I would pay for it, but no he says "They're my babies so I'll pay for it myself, thankyou". I nearly fell over backwards :D anyway I'll put some money in his tin and at least he'll think that he's paid for this without any help.

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