Lump under african gray beck


New member
Nov 14, 2011

my african gray recently show a lump below his beck and it is becoming bigger.
did anybody had this issue before ?
Take him to the vet! It could be a tumor, cyst, or an infection.
It seems you've had dietary issues with this bird for a long time... Maybe it's linked to this lump... Please take your bird to the vet...
I think only the vet can tell you, good luck and I hope he's ok
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i already took him to the vet he said it is a wart due to low calcimum as i was trying to convert him from seeds to pellet so he gave me antibiotics for his stomac as he said he have internal infection and a medic to put it on the wart once a day for 10 days but the problem that 10 days has passed and the wart is still showing so if any had a simialir case, attach the pictures it is too close thats why it is shown bigger



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I don't know about the lump but that cage looks awfully rusty. Rust can be very dangerous to parrots since they use their beaks to climb and can/will ingest pieces of the rust and metal. That cage also looks like a very small round cage. I would make sure he is in a cage big enough(preferably not round), rust free, and with plenty of toys and perches of different sizes/materials. Prevention is the key :)

If you are through with the course of antibiotics and it is still there or getting worse, the best thing to do would be to take him back to the vet.
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it is not rusty thats the color of the cage we have painted brown :p
That does NOT look like a wart. It looks like a tumor or an abscess. If it's a tumor it'd have to be surgically removed, and if it's an abscess it might have to be drained. If it's growing that quickly, I'd guess it's an abscess.

In some cases, even if it is a bacterial abscess, the antibiotics won't be able to reach it, because the body has physically blocked it off. Also, it would have to be the right kind of antibiotic for the bacteria. Make sure that your vet does a "culture and sensitivity" test next time your bird is on antibiotics, to make sure he's going to get a medication that actually works.

What were the antibiotics for? What kind of infection does the vet think he has? Any symptoms?
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i went to a new vet this morning and show him the pic .he gave me appointment this evening as he said it is not a warts and it should be removed (surgery) so will do it tonight.
once done will let you know the result.

thank you all for your information.
That sounds MUCH better! :-D

The stuff you said your old vet told you doesn't make any sense to me. I mean like, none of it. Also, you may know this already, but a calcium deficiency won't cause warts... Warts are caused by a virus.

Just because somebody is a doctor doesn't mean they know what they are talking about... =(

Keep us updated! :)
Why waste time showing a vet the pictures, when it could be something so serious and detrimental to the birds health and life.
I would have had it seen to a.s.a.p. and have the vet done tests immediately.

Pray all ends well.......
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hope your parrot is fine now :)
my parrot had one long time ago, i got worried about it and i couldn't find any good vet to know what was wrong with it but after a while it blew up twice and blood was all over the place(sorry if i'm being so disgusting! lol but that's what happened!!) and now thank God he is fine but he wasn't able to learn any new words after that!!
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Hi All

i want to share with you the latest news of my grey.
the lump disapeard completely without any surgery the latest vet was completely right it seems he faced this case before ,we only used local antiboiotics cream localy on the lump and was the good choice.
for some of you who mention it may be dangerous ... as per the vet he explain to me lately the reason behind it,as he think it is maybe related to something she was eating and hurt the lower mouth from inside and got infected and blow up to the external in this area below the beck .
thnaks a lot for your concern wil show you a picture for her, tomorow will take a new picture
I'm glad she's better. I would think though it wasn't so much from food, but rather something sharp like part of a toy. I would check her toys carefully and make sure it wasn't the end of a wire or something like that.
Hi, I have not read all the posts so others may have given a better answer. The photo is NOT a wart as I use the word. It looks more like an air buble traped deep under the skin or tissue.When examining it keep in mind bird skin is very thin unlike ours which can be taned into leather. That can occure in improperly feed young whoes grops have been damaged or some injury that lets air ecape from one of the air sacs. You should be able to recognize trapped air. If it was traped air and was my bird I would treat it myself. But then my vet has given me advice he probably doesn't give to some parrot owners. D.D.
That does NOT look like a wart. It looks like a tumor or an abscess. If it's a tumor it'd have to be surgically removed, and if it's an abscess it might have to be drained. If it's growing that quickly, I'd guess it's an abscess.

In some cases, even if it is a bacterial abscess, the antibiotics won't be able to reach it, because the body has physically blocked it off. Also, it would have to be the right kind of antibiotic for the bacteria. Make sure that your vet does a "culture and sensitivity" test next time your bird is on antibiotics, to make sure he's going to get a medication that actually works.

What were the antibiotics for? What kind of infection does the vet think he has? Any symptoms?

I'm curious how the vet came to the conclusion its a wart.
I wonder if he took blood or any other tests ?
Either way , I hope it's treatable.
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here she is attached no more lump


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I am glad that she is all better now!

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