Madame Curie Ossity & A Little Mercy


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2013
U2-Poppy(Poppy lives with her new mommy, Misty now) CAG-Jack, YNA, Bingo, Budgie-Piper, Cockatiel-Sweet Pea Quakers-Harry, Sammy, Wilson ***Zeke (quaker) Twinkle (budgie) forever in our hearts
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
Mahatma Gandhi

This is not really my story to tell, but my son Stormyā€™s and a tiny misfortunate little kitten that was having a diabolically bad day. Iā€™m telling the story here because I think it deserves to be told.

Stormy is my adult son and an Air Force Veteran, he is sharing my home after seventeen years of service while he builds a business. Last Sunday he was going to pick up some tools for his shop. Central Texas, 97*Fahrenheit, asphalt, 130*Farenheit, speed limit 75 mph. He cringed when he saw a tiny kitten in the middle of the highway, then he saw she was moving, she was alive. Stormy is ninety percent disabled, heā€™s had major surgery on his back, he risked his life to get her out of harmā€™s way. Back in the car he realized she was missing a back foot and all the flesh off the leg. An Afghanistan veteran, three tours of duty, he decided to save her. Now to find someone to help. He melted his phone looking for an emergency vet that would agree to open his clinic on a Sunday afternoon. He found the right guy, the doctor agreed with Stormy, they decided to right a terrible wrong. He treated the kitten for shock, gave her pain meds and an IV drip. He amputated the leg the next day and she came home Tuesday afternoon. Sheā€™s a tiny scrap of a thing, a fluffy bag of bones. Stormy chose her name for a long time hero of his, Madam Curie, and added Ossity (this time unbelievably it didnā€™t kill the cat).

Anyone who has a close relationship with a war veteran knows how difficult it is for them to assimilate back into the civilian world they sacrificed so much for. Getting in touch with real emotions, thatā€™s even tougher for some.

The irony, we havenā€™t had a cat since Stormy was seven and had a severe allergic reaction. Weā€™ve always had dogs and birds. How will Curie fit in with seven parrots, five dogs, three artists and nine chickens? We donā€™t know but I think Curie has a plan. Her vet (her other hero) says all dogs and cats are born with three legs and a spare. He also shares his home with a three legged cat.

This is Curie, my grand-kitty?

What a lovely story - a beautiful kitty with a couple of heros. Thanks for the smile, I needed one today.
Bonjour and bienvenue Madame Curie! You certainly got off to a rough start but I think youā€™re in the best possible place now!
I'm so glad Stormy and Curie found each other, Allee! I think it says a lot about Stormy's progress that he found empathy with a poor little kitten and took the necessary steps to help her. Please give him a kiss from me and tell him Genevieve, Reginald and Trant send their very best wishes to their new friend, Curie. XXXX
Allee, Stormy is amazing! This story brought tears to my eyes. My hearts breaks for Madame Curie who must have given up on help arriving until Stormy saved her.
He is truly a Hero in every sense of the word, and I also want to thank him for his service.
Please keep us updated on her progress!
Already within the hostility of hell to the comfort of a forever home is far too commonly a tale. It is truly warming that hearts have been lifted and life has yet another winning moment. Please pass along a hug from a fellow Vet. Right On Man!
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Thank you for sharing Stormy's continued heroic efforts Allee.

Thank you Stormy for choosing to love and save one more life, yet again demonstrating the mercy within your magnificent heart. May this blessed bond between you and wee Madame Curie (one of my hero's as well) Ossity blossom and bloom forever....:)
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Just wonderful. There's hope for us all. Beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing this.
Wow!! Just Wow! What a story if compassion and second chances! What a beautiful kitten speedy recovery little one
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A heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for all the beautiful messages, it means so much.

I didnā€™t really know what to expect, I was afraid it would be tough to watch Curie struggle but I am amazed every day at how quickly sheā€™s adapting to her new reality, she makes it look easy, our tiny kitty is a constant inspiration. I was also really worried about how our dogs would treat an injured kitten, our youngest dog is just six months old but they all seem to understand sheā€™s fragile.

Thanks again for the support in this new adventure. Cats are new for us, we have a lot to learn but Curie seems to be a natural born teacher.
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I wanted to post some new pics of Curie. I canā€™t believe how fast sheā€™s growing. Having only three legs hasnā€™t slowed her down a bit. We think maybe she hit her head pretty hard that day, sheā€™s a ball of energy. She runs like a ferret, our puppy, Murphy is her best friend. She climbs furniture and tumbles off constantly, Stormy told her heā€™s pretty sure she used up eight and a half of her lives already, she should be more careful. We ordered a kitty tree palace for her, hopefully it will be a safer environment. We keep telling her, weā€™re dog people, she couldnā€™t care less.

Lucky us, Curieā€™s absolute favorite place to nap or play is the middle of my bed
Or Stormyā€™s favorite recliner.
Curie is amazing and so is your son. She certainly has grown and seems to be adapting perfectly. Cannot wait to see photos of her using her kitty palace.
Hee! We're dog people too, but we have three cats. The way I look at it, I dislike cats in general, however the ones that live with us are not cats: they're family members.

Little Madame Curie is a gorgeous girl! Genevieve, Reginald and Trant send their best to her and her Dad. XXX
Thank you for the update and new photos...she is cute as a button and we are dog and bird people LOL....Congrat's Stormy...awesome rescue.

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