Major Escape Artist


New member
Jun 20, 2013
Ozzy - CAG (born April 2010)

Bubbles - B&G Macaw (born Jan. 2012)
Miss Lucy my Blue Throat is a master at escaping and dumping all the food dishes. Every time I try a new tactic to keep her in it will last a few days at most.

We have a cage that is escape proof but they obviously never met a macaw like Miss Lucy. She is such a challenge. She lets the other birds out spills everyone's food and will not leave a single toy in her cage. We finally put pad locks on her toys and she figured out how to get the top of the toy chewed off so it still falls to the floor.

She can seriously figure out how to take anything apart. We got a cage for our vacation home and it is not easy to get the door open due to the type of mechanism that it has and she figured out how to work that too. There is no containing her.
If anyone has a master escape artist and they have figured out how to contain them I would love to hear how. I heard that blue throats can get out of cages and take things apart before I got her. I just never dreamed it could be to this extent. She can figure out anything it seems.
We have one of those metal puzzle things that is a brain teaser thing with 2 long nails (if that makes sense) and she can take that apart faster than any person I have seen. It boggles my mind how she figures this stuff out. I have noticed she is very good at using her tongue as a tool.
Anyway if you have advise I am all ears.
Thank you in advance.
Maybe look into the high end stainless steel cages? Looks like you're gonna have to negate her brains with the brawn of a stainless prison!
Maybe look into the high end stainless steel cages? Looks like you're gonna have to negate her brains with the brawn of a stainless prison!

Nylock nuts! But, that will likely only slow it down a bit. Much older cages (20+ years ago) were made by welding the corners together, which left only the openings to use over-sized Master Locks.

Near all of our Amazons over the years had been mechanics in their prior life and they just disassemble the cage. We leave the cage open and each have been 'free roaming.'

Your greatest problem is that you MAC needs to be either provided or taught to be self-entertaining! With not enough to do, they will take ever greater number and expensive things apart or make in to tiny pieces!

First shot, over-load with every more complicated toys! Second shot, over-load i.e. tons of toys to keep that Beak Busy. Busy Beaks are Happy Beaks and also happier Humans!

Welcome to my World! :D

FYI: Big Box Stores Lumber Department - End Cut Barrel !!! Make Friends with the Managers and Staff of the Lumber Department!!! Bring the MAC in to see the Department Staff!
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Thank you for your reply. I cannot figure out how to insert photos. I have a very strong well built huge cage. There are a few screws along the top that she has figured out how to unscrew. The food doors are solid with a round swinging part that you move up to open and there is no way to get a pad lock on there. Most of the screws there is no way to get to. Thank you for your advise.
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Thank you sailboat. I am working on a new kind of toy that I hope will help. She will not leave anything up in her cage and once she throws them on the floor she won't touch them. She enjoys colorful smaller pieces of wood she can demolish in no time. She will not mess with bigger pieces. She seems to mostly enjoy taking things apart. I am working on trying to find different ways of entertainment. Great idea on the big box stores. Thank You
Thank you sailboat. I am working on a new kind of toy that I hope will help. She will not leave anything up in her cage and once she throws them on the floor she won't touch them. She enjoys colorful smaller pieces of wood she can demolish in no time. She will not mess with bigger pieces. She seems to mostly enjoy taking things apart. I am working on trying to find different ways of entertainment. Great idea on the big box stores. Thank You

The Staff look forward to our visits and save the end cuts that our Amazon loves the most! They love watching him grab a new end cut from them and start working on it! I always time my visits after the Contractors have been there, like early evening - dinner time. DIY'er are still eating and the Contractor are finishing-up on the sites. Get them on your side and they will save the good stuff for you!

Watch for finished grade pine end cuts, commonly smaller than structural pieces and softer also!
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[/QUOTE]The Staff look forward to our visits and save the end cuts that our Amazon loves the most! They love watching him grab a new end cut from them and start working on it! I always time my visits after the Contractors have been there, like early evening - dinner time. DIY'er are still eating and the Contractor are finishing-up on the sites. Get them on your side and they will save the good stuff for you!

Watch for finished grade pine end cuts, commonly smaller than structural pieces and softer also![/QUOTE]

Thank you so much I will try that.
The only place I have seen blue throats for sale has them in a all welded cage - everthing but the door latches and those are pad locked.
Try replacing screws with one way drive screws, but believe me , these are one way indeed and even you, lowly human, will not be able to remove them , so be sure where you use them. Pm me if you want to try some, maybe replace some screws in your toys. These birds fasinate me, and I wish I had had the room for one, before we got Salty.
I had a snake, a reticulated python, many yers ago who was a cage breaker, nd we had to go to extreme lengths to keep her. Wouldn't think it was easy for a 12 ft snake to escape , but she did, more then a dozen times. I often wonder why blue throats have this ability - what purpose can it serve in the wild, other then to fix Volkswagons??

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