Male Eclectus Screams at Girlfriend


New member
Jan 18, 2018
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San Francisco, CA
Male Eclectus Parrot
He is so tame and well behaved until my girlfriend enters my apartment. If he hears, sees or even just knows she's in my apartment he will scream for attention. This is actually his behavior around any female friend I have brought to my place. He can care less if any of my Male friends are hanging out. So, this is either a hormonal scream for attention or a jealousy reaction.

I have for the most part fixed his screaming when in separate rooms buy reinforcing him to say his name. Only then will we give him any attention.

The next challenge is when my girlfriend is in the same room as my bird. He just goes nutso excited - eye pinning, biting side of cage and screaming. So the only fix I can think of is to just grind it out. Have them in the same room regularly, give my girlfriend earplugs (so she doesn't reinforce his screams by reacting) and completely ignore him. If he is quiet or starts using a kinder sound for attention, then he will get his attention and rewards.

Is this the right approach to his behavior? It's only been him and myself for 8 years now so does he just have to get used to this new experience of having my girlfriend be part of our flock? Any advice or ideas for this would be fantastic!

Is she hot? Maybe he is screaming because you didn't teach him to wolf whistle.

J/K . She should be giving him treats to show she is a good thing in your birds life.
HA! I will work on the wolf whistle association. Thanks for the feedback, glad I am on the right track.
It's crazy who birds like men or women... as said make sure your gf gives all the treats when she is at your house. Although this doesn't work for enzo, I think it's a real jealousy thing. When I hug the gf, or even my son you can see enzos character change.

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