Mark on beak


New member
Sep 6, 2015
Jacksonville, Fl
Catalina Macaw
Came home today from work, noticed Gator had a mark on his beak. It's center top beak and round and white...I'm wondering if maybe he hit it rough housing today, playing? I rubbed it and it didn't seem to mind...he is still a little clumsy, but perching good.....anyone have any suggestions? I am thinking he fell, and bruised it????
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From how it sounds, it's probably fine. Is he normally clumsy (a youngster?) or was that a new symptom after he hit his beak? Do you have a picture?
Tania, without a photo, my guess is that he banged it somewhere. They are pretty clutzy when they're this young. :) Keep an eye on it, and the 'mark' should go away on its own fairly quickly.
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Here is his beak today, still looks the same...


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Thanks for the picture!! Hmm! I do still think it's a bruise. Is it tender for him at all? Does he complain when you rub that area?
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I figured out what happened.....he is grabbing the bar on cage with beak and holding on and doing his legs like he is running in so, it's pressure he has put on it playing...he is such a clown...
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