Maybe I'm over thinking this?


New member
Jan 6, 2013
Birmingham, UK
Eastern Rosella
Mealy Rosella
Peachfaced Lovebirds
Black masked Lovebird
When I think of caring for pet birds I think of keeping them happy and healthy. Supplying them with tasty food and lots and lots of toys. I know people have different views especially on how smaller parrakeets are kept compared to larger parrots but I'm not sure I like this and I don't know if i'm over reacting.

I won't say the name but at my college we have some parrots (a sulphur crested cockatoo, an umbrella cockatoo, blue and gold macaws and a African grey). They have a lot of toys and quite a large indoor cage each aswell as an outdoor flight attached. They have heating and a radio aswell. The sulphur crested cockatoo doesnt have as many toys because apparently he destroys them... im pretty sure thats the point of toys and if thats how he plays he should be able to play rough with his toys.

Anyway the aviary birds include finches and canaries in one aviary and they have some potted plants and a bath and branches and nest boxes (fair enough they aren't the kind of birds for lots of toys). In the next aviary they have lots of Peachfaced Lovebirds (inbred may I add), cockatiels, redrumps and budgies. First of all not many people put Lovebirds in with anything but lovebirds because as sweet as they are they are territorial little monsters. what gets to me the most is that they don't have a shelter its open apart from one side and thats only because thats the corridor which they keep the bird seed in. They have nestboxes but its currently snowing here and has been at freezing temperature lately. I went to look at the birds and half of them have no toes because of frostbite. Some of the cockatiels are badly plucked and the budgies are all scaly.

Theres one really sweet cockatiel who comes up for a head scratch and he bows his head down to be petted but he sneezed 3 times whilst I stroked him. They treat the larger parrots so differently to the smaller birds. They have about 2 toys between them all. I don't think they know that even the smaller birds need toys etc because they are inteligent. Honestly I just wish they'd give them atleast a shed or something to keep them warm.

I know I try to do everything for my birds and I just feel sad when I see these because I feel like they need saving but I wouldnt want to take any home because they all look so ill my birds would be in danger. I know people keep there birds outside and people have different ways of enriching their birds. It's not like they don't have the money or the space. Last year loads of the birds died from cold and I remember there were baby lovebirds inside because they were really ill. They just seem to replace them.

Am I over reacting?:confused:
I completely agree with you... and how sad that the smaller birds are suffering frostbite, my goodness, that is horrible!! I imagine that you've spoken to whoever could make a change in the keeping of these birds... please keep up your efforts to get the proper care for these smaller birds. They are helpless in this situation....:(
Poor babies that is awful for them and its cruel. They might be small but they are still living things. I hope they change what they are doing so they can stop suffering!
I'm not sure if your saying these birds belong to the university or just someone who attends the university, but either way, the conditions of the birds need to be reported so appropriate action can be taken to remove them from the cruel and inhumane conditions they live in. Missing toes from frostbite? Plucked and scaly with mites? God knows what other diseases running rampant? These poor creatures need to be removed by animal control and the responsible party prosecuted. These are living, breathing creatures who can feel pain and emotion, no matter their size. Whomever is responsible for their care is treating them like inanimate decorations, and doesn't deserve to have animals in their care anymore. Please please please take the responsible action and report this person/organization! You can even report it anonymously, but don't just turn the blind eye to the situation. Yes, some will likely have to be put down if their injuries/illnesses are too severe, but at least the rotating door of victims will stop there. In fact, you could even make a positive impact on the situation by maybe starting a small student adoption program/avian club to help rehome the healthier birds and educate more people about the proper care and how amazing parrots of all sizes are.

Wanted to add- even if you don't want to be identified, by filing a anonymous report with the local police department, they will be required by law to send out animal control to asses the situation. After that, it will be in animal controls hands, and if conditions are as you describe, the birds will be removed. And if you do choose to identify yourself and take action to try and work with animal control to rehome the birds, the person/university cannot by law take any action against you for reporting their crimes. Don't be afraid to speak up for those who aren't able to defend themselves, regardless of how you choose to go about it.
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I'm not sure if your saying these birds belong to the university or just someone who attends the university.

They belong to the college. They have several courses on animal care. So they have a wide range of animals. I found out they are inbred because I was told that by staff. I'll have to report them. These birds are not as bad as last years. There was a budgie who had scaly face and ugh it was horrible. I just don't understand how you can teach animal care and about animal welfare and legislations then have them housed like this. I know they get fed properly and they have fresh water and they are cleaned regularly (apart from the time there was an actual pile of bird poo on a perch in the macaws aviary) but the birds are all puffed up because they are cold.

Thanks for your advice and I'm sorry if this has upset anyone.
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I would take action immediately! Report it and make sure something changes asap! I dont see how something this bad could be going on at a place like that..

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