Meet Avery!


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Apr 24, 2018
Maine, USA
Tucker the Red Sided Eclectus
Baxter the YNA
Avery the CAG
Patches the Grand Eclectus, my best friend. RIP
Cuckoo the BFA RIP

Okay, let me start by saying I'm not sure Avery is a permanent addition to my little flock, or if I'm just going to foster for a bit. This happened really fast, so I'm not quite sure what to think yet.

A dear friend of ours called yesterday afternoon. Her elderly next door neighbor has been failing, and after a long period of 24/7 in home support, last week was finally taken to a nursing home leaving two birds alone in the house, except for her son who stopped by twice a day to feed them. The birds were her husband's, and he passed away 15 years ago. They've been cage bound ever since. The other bird, a sun, died within a a couple days of the lady going to the nursing home.

So, Avery was all alone in that house. I knew I had to get him out of there. I went this morning and met the son who's been taking care of him. I don't fault him. Not his bird, and they were all uninformed about proper care. No judgement, I was in the same place before I learned better.

He's been in their house for 30 years, so they guess he's between 30-40 years old. Diet is exclusively seed mix with a bunch of sunflower in it, and peanuts. :( No fresh veggies, fruit etc. for at least the last 15 years, and not sure if the dad gave him any before that. He's in rough shape, but better than I expected after all he's been through. He didn't seem afraid of the son's hands, so I took the opportunity to coach him how to get him to step up and get him out of the cage. Once he was out, he transferred to my hand and was soooooo sweet! I couldn't believe it, nor could the son. We hung out like that for a little while while we talked and got as much info as I could about him, and then he went right into the carrier.

We loaded up the cage and food and things in my truck, and then Avery in the passenger seat. He made tons of grey sound effects and whistles on the way home! I didn't want to use his little, old, worn out cage, but I set it up anyway because I want him to have SOMETHING that's familiar. He didn't want to come out of the carrier and nipped some, but not enough to break skin. I didn't force it and grabbed a perch for him to step up on. After that, he stepped right up on my hand. ❀️

He's now in my dining room, close enough to Tucker and Baxter that they can hear each other, and he and Baxter can kinda see each other through the glass door. I gave him a little dish of veggies same as I feed the others, and I see veggie slop on the bottom of the cage now! All things considered, he's doing absolutely amazing for the first few hours.

Stay tuned. We'll see if he fits in or not, after quarantine and a trip to the vet for wellness check/blood work... Oh, he also hasn't been to the vet for over 15 years if ever, and hasn't had a bath that anyone knows about. His water bowl is too small to get in, so there's no way. :( Much work to do, I guess. Despite being rightfully terrified, he's so sweet. Totally worth the work. :)
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Staff member
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Aug 29, 2018
Queensland, Australia
Fang ({ab}normal grey cockatiel), Valentino (budgie), Jem (cinnamon cockatiel), Lovejoy(varied lorikeet), Peach (princess parrot)
Oh Jon, my dear friend, what an absolute blessing you are for this precious baby who has lived such a sad and lonely life for so long! Thank you for being there for him, for making sure he didn't have to live that lonely existence for one more day! I know you don't necessarily intend to keep him, and you will do what's best for him, Tucker and Baxter, but my goodness, look at his eyes! You may just have been chosen yet again! 😍

He's absolutely beautiful, Jon! Thank you for rescuing him, I can't wait to see what the stars may have in store for the two of you! πŸ’«πŸ’žπŸ€—πŸ’–


Staff member
Super Moderator
Apr 24, 2018
Maine, USA
Tucker the Red Sided Eclectus
Baxter the YNA
Avery the CAG
Patches the Grand Eclectus, my best friend. RIP
Cuckoo the BFA RIP
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I have to confess, a grey has been one of my bucket list birds since I was a kid. The right opportunity just never came up, and when there was opportunity, there were none available that were a good fit. So there's that. Also in Avery's favor, I was shocked that my wife didn't immediately say no when we got the call. And as luck would have it, Avery is a huge family name on her side, and she's wanted to name kids, grandkids, and pets by it. Maybe it's fate? Maybe it's just me. IDK, but at the moment he's brand new to us. Having absolutely zero reason to trust me or anyone at all after all that time, he's doing amazing already. ❀️❀️❀️


Staff member
Super Moderator
Aug 29, 2018
Queensland, Australia
Fang ({ab}normal grey cockatiel), Valentino (budgie), Jem (cinnamon cockatiel), Lovejoy(varied lorikeet), Peach (princess parrot)
Jon, I know you and your wife are fond of the adage, "everything happens for a reason", the Universe always has an uncanny knack for making things happen as and when they're meant to. Whether you are Avery's forever home or not I believe that you were meant to find each other - he has already recognised the kindness that exists within your heart and soul and is responding to it. You are a good man, Jon, an extraordinary human being. Tucker and Baxter know it, everyone who knows you knows it, and now Avery knows it too ❀️


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
I have to confess, a grey has been one of my bucket list birds since I was a kid. The right opportunity just never came up, and when there was opportunity, there were none available that were a good fit. So there's that. Also in Avery's favor, I was shocked that my wife didn't immediately say no when we got the call. And as luck would have it, Avery is a huge family name on her side, and she's wanted to name kids, grandkids, and pets by it. Maybe it's fate? Maybe it's just me. IDK, but at the moment he's brand new to us. Having absolutely zero reason to trust me or anyone at all after all that time, he's doing amazing already. ❀️❀️❀️
That is very cool for your family and Avery.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Apr 24, 2018
Maine, USA
Tucker the Red Sided Eclectus
Baxter the YNA
Avery the CAG
Patches the Grand Eclectus, my best friend. RIP
Cuckoo the BFA RIP
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I can't believe it! 15 years of nothing but seeds and peanuts, I put a little bowl of veggies in, and he has eaten red and yellow peppers, corn, peas, baby carrots and a green bean! A grey of all things, the ultimate haters of anything different, chowed on a bowl of unfamiliar... Stuff. 😊 This is HUGE!


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
Good Lord, you have added a 'thinker' into your home. I say that because one of the common reactions of a Grey, in moments like this, is to step-way-back and observe everything without comment or expression. To have him vocalizing early-on, like that, is amazing in and of itself.

IMHO and as you know, do not stress about the diet at this point as you can target a high-quality seed, grain and mixed nuts, and limit the Sunflower seed and peanuts, working in Fresh greens, etc, as you see opportunities. The great fear is; he stops eating!!

Enjoy being analyzed!!

I know you are going to enjoy this journey Jon!!

WOW, and already increasing diet interests!!


Staff member
Super Moderator
Apr 24, 2018
Maine, USA
Tucker the Red Sided Eclectus
Baxter the YNA
Avery the CAG
Patches the Grand Eclectus, my best friend. RIP
Cuckoo the BFA RIP
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  • #17
OMG, he dances! Well, a little bit so far. Last night while we were hanging out and talking to him, he started bopping his head side to side and up and down, and climbing up the side of the cage and sliding down really fast. I think he was having fun! ❀️ I caught him playing with his toys last night too! He's not seeming to act scared when we get close to the cage to talk to him like he was at first, and he's coming to the close side of the cage and watching us if we move around it, rather than retreating to the far side. Looks like he's actively trying to engage and interact when we go near and talk to him. :)

He's been busy. He shredded a bunch of the paper on the bottom of the cage, and he's been pretty vocal. No words yet. I'm told he says hello and good morning among other things, but we're getting lots of whistles, boops, beeps, and random electronic gadget noises as greys will do. He's eating very well, and just about cleaned out the veggie bowl I gave him yesterday. Can't tell if he ate any of the brown rice, but being a grey, I'm totally impressed that he would even go near the bowl at all. Needless to say, his morning dump was something to behold! 🀣

Not bad for less than 24 hours. Still going to move at his pace, but I certainly won't say no if he wants to come out and sit with me! 😍 I'm thinking he remembers his being able to come out to play long ago, and sees that I will absolutely do that with him. He must miss that, I know I would. Either way, we'll just see what HE wants and go with it.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Aug 29, 2018
Queensland, Australia
Fang ({ab}normal grey cockatiel), Valentino (budgie), Jem (cinnamon cockatiel), Lovejoy(varied lorikeet), Peach (princess parrot)
Oh Jon, I'm so thrilled for him, and for you! You are awakening such happy memories for him, your heart must be full to bursting!! πŸ’– πŸ’– πŸ’–


Staff member
Super Moderator
Apr 24, 2018
Maine, USA
Tucker the Red Sided Eclectus
Baxter the YNA
Avery the CAG
Patches the Grand Eclectus, my best friend. RIP
Cuckoo the BFA RIP
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  • #19
The look in his eyes just kills me...
"Look at meeeee, I'm a sexy guy!" 🀣


Staff member
Super Moderator
Apr 24, 2018
Maine, USA
Tucker the Red Sided Eclectus
Baxter the YNA
Avery the CAG
Patches the Grand Eclectus, my best friend. RIP
Cuckoo the BFA RIP
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  • #20
This morning s feeding went better than expected. :) I got everything ready, fed Tucker who comes and supervises all food preparation while having his morning roam of the house, then Baxter for her morning daddy time, then it was time for Avery. No interest in coming out of the cage just yet, but the door is open. I put the dishes in while he watched, and he blew off the dry bowl and went straight to the veggies. First thing he went after was the broccoli!!! Then carrots. He's not just playing with them. He dropped a piece of broccoli and went down to retrieve it and kept chowing. This is the best I could have hoped for. πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ I still gave him some of his old food, but it's pretty obvious a diet change over is going to be pretty easy. I'll be weaning him off the sunflower and peanuts soon enough. Clearly he'll get better nutrition and he seems to be loving the new stuff already, I just don't want to upset him by going cold turkey, even if he's getting plenty of good stuff into him. Can't tell y'all how impressed I am with him already! ❀️πŸ₯°πŸ˜Š


After eating his fill, he got adventurous and is currently exploring the outside of his cage!

I think he looks happy and quite proud of himself :)
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