Mish Progress


New member
Dec 21, 2014
Mish (alexandrine)
Hey everyone,

Its been a while since I put up some pics of my little man.

He is doing really well, he is developing various sounds, some nice and others not so nice.

He thinks the song our dishwasher makes when it finishes a cycle is pretty good and sings along when ever it appears.

He loves to help (well I am not sure you can call it help) but everything My partner and I do needs his approval apparently. :)

We are well into winter now and every morning we share a bit of porridge and he has nuts with his.

Here are some pics of my little monster :)

On a side note I am about to open a wood chipping mill by using the left over wood bits that Mish has been generating from his toys lol


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He also loves showers, does anyone else find that their Alex love showers? I think mine is half Labrador.

Every Saturday he knows its shower time, he squawks and chirps and gets all excited as he knows that its time for his weekly bath.

We take him into the shower and he basically hogs the shower, he likes it best when he is completely under the shower stream.
He then proceeds to spread his tail feathers, flop onto your hand, completely relax and then sit there.

Then after his shower he gets the hair dryer treatment, which also seems to be pretty good by his standards, he stands on one foot and grinds his beak while the blow dry treatment is proceeding lol.

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