Missing my birds while in Arizona.


New member
Aug 24, 2011
New Jersey
Female Dusky Conure (Kayak) Female Sun Conure (Carlisle) Female Budgie (Meister) Male Budgie (Spooky Burd)
I decided a few months ago I was going to come to Arizona to visit my best friend who moved out here with her girlfriend a couple years ago. I didn't realize how badly I missed Heather until I saw her when she and her girlfriend came to pick me up at the airport. It's been like old times since I've been here. I got here on Sunday and I'm here until the 19th. I'll be so sad to leave. I managed to make it more than 24 hours before getting sunburnt. Seriously, I could have on SPF 5000 sunscreen and still burn to a crisp. My nickname is Crispy because I burn so easily. It's a play off my nickname of Chrissie (short for Christine).

Heather has two birds. I missed those little guys too. She got them shortly before she moved out here. She has a white bellied caique and a cockatiel. They're Howie (short for Howitzer) and Panzer. Howie bit me sooooooo hard my first day here and then laughed at me! He was just a baby the last time I saw him. Panzer didn't bite me and has been semi friendly toward me. I'm so spoiled out here. Howie and Panzer hardly make any noise unlike my conures. Howie was whistling really loudly yesterday and Heather apologized to me for how much noise he was making. I didn't even realize he was making any noise because I'm so used to screaming conures!

Right now I'm hanging out in Bisbee Coffee Co. where Heather works. I love this little town. She lives in Sierra Vista and the drive into Bisbee is so gorgeous! It's so cool and so different compared to what I have back home. I've got corn fields... and cookie cutter housing developments.

My sunburn. My neck, chest, back, and arms are sunburnt. My legs NEVER tan or burn... my feet do though.

My Howie bite. :'( That hurt so bad, but not nearly as bad as a bite from my Sun conure before she decided she liked me.

Howie! Such a naughty little guy. He's very playful and cute to watch interact with Heather. I'm still trying to get him to just tolerate me being in the same room as him, lol.

I do miss the green from home. Things will turn brown back home by the middle of June when it gets dry out but it's nothing like being in the desert. I don't mind the heat out here because it's a dry heat. New Jersey always has a very humid disgusting heat. I haven't had one bad hair day out here. Everyday is a bad hair day back home. :eek:

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