Taking care of bird after I had surgery


New member
Jan 27, 2024
Utah, USA
Beakley (GCC)

A few days ago I had to get surgery done on my head and now I have a ton of sutures that are pretty tender. Because of this, I haven't been able to let my bird, Beakley (GCC), get near me as she will instantly start going after the stiches. I feel bad because she has to stay in her cage (it's a large flight cage full of toys and perches) but I can tell she wants to be out with me.
I'm still able to spend time with her throughout the day since I work from home and her cage is in my office. Is it okay to keep her there until the stiches come out? I feel so bad cause she normally gets lots of time out of her cage. The doctor said the sutures can come out in a few days so this is not permanent, but is it okay for her or am I just guilty?
Ohh man stitches would be impossible for a bird to resist.
I think you are doing the only possible thing you can.
take care.

A few days ago I had to get surgery done on my head and now I have a ton of sutures that are pretty tender. Because of this, I haven't been able to let my bird, Beakley (GCC), get near me as she will instantly start going after the stiches. I feel bad because she has to stay in her cage (it's a large flight cage full of toys and perches) but I can tell she wants to be out with me.
I'm still able to spend time with her throughout the day since I work from home and her cage is in my office. Is it okay to keep her there until the stiches come out? I feel so bad cause she normally gets lots of time out of her cage. The doctor said the sutures can come out in a few days so this is not permanent, but is it okay for her or am I just guilty?
Are you able to wear a cap? Baseball cap, stocking cap? Bandana?

Has she been out with you already or you assume she will want to remove your stitches?

Any trusted people who can come spend time with her?

Your wellbeing is first priority of course. Just try to.spend time with her. Now is a good time to work on touch training.

Good luck to you!
Take of yourself first. I can completely understand how you feel because I always feel guilty when I have to be separated from my animals for health reasons - it's happened to me before too. Remind yourself that this is only temporary. Your birdie will be ok for a few days and things will go back to normal.
Yeah I agree, he will be fine, its just for a few days. Parrots survive a lot worse and come up smelling roses!

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