Molting Meyet being aggressive?


New member
Aug 31, 2013
New Jersey
Meyer Parrot: Charlie
Parrotlets: Major and Tango
Peach-faced Lovebird: Eleanor
Meyer** sorry.

Hello All,
Mr. Charlie pants, my 6-yr old Meyer is molting like CRAZY and is not handling it well. He is normally very sweet, especially with me and my immediate family, but over the past week or two he has been hissing and growling more. Charlie growls at himself in the mirror, at me as he is kissing me and at his toys so I don't believe this is an aggression thing. Hissing however is is his "get away from me" noise an has been doing it more often as well as being spooked easily. He is also a little nippy.
I'm assuming that this is happening because he is uncomfortable with the pin feathers, he does let me scratch behind his neck where he gets them most and he seems to like it when I help open them up but he still isn't himself.
Is there anything more I can do for him? Should I just wait it out? How should I prevent this temporary bad behavior from becoming a bad habit?
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Just leave him be unless he seeks out affection or help opening pins. Birds do go through "major" molts every so often and it can really make them grumpy because it's really uncomfortable. It sounds as though he's trying to let you know in the best way he knows how that he'd like to rest and grow in his new feathers. Make sure he's getting lots of fresh produce right now and is being bathed regularly. He should be 'over it' soon and just be sure as he starts to get back to normal that you give a little extra encouragement for positive behaviors to get him back into his normal routine again:)
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Just leave him be unless he seeks out affection or help opening pins. Birds do go through "major" molts every so often and it can really make them grumpy because it's really uncomfortable. It sounds as though he's trying to let you know in the best way he knows how that he'd like to rest and grow in his new feathers. Make sure he's getting lots of fresh produce right now and is being bathed regularly. He should be 'over it' soon and just be sure as he starts to get back to normal that you give a little extra encouragement for positive behaviors to get him back into his normal routine again:)

That's very helpful, thank you. However, Charlie is afraid of baths..he bathes in his water dish but that's it. I do help him out by spraying him gently in the shower but he isn't fond of it. Should I do it anyway even though he doesn't like it?

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