Very affectionate GCC now very aggressive


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Jan 29, 2023
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Grey and white cockatiel
Hi I’m new to the forum and have had my first parrot species a green cheeked conure for 4 months. He is a year old now. When I first got him he was so affectionate and gave me kisses, stepped up on command, etc now he has turned into a nightmare lol he is VERY cage aggressive and even attacks me when I go to change his food and water I let him come out in his own and he will step up from the top of his cage which is 2.5ft x 1.5 ft x 3 foot. When he’s out he can be ok and then really bits hard for no apparent reason. Even if he’s just on my finger he will bite it and he hurts lol I’ve read it might be hormonal due to his age and also his diet needs changing. I have been crushing up pellets to sprinkle on his fresh food to get him used to the taste and gradually increasing the amount of pellets in his seed dish with seeds as a treat and learning aid but he is reluctant to eat them. I don’t stroke his wings or back as I’ve read it can cause aggression. He has an hour out of his cage in the morning and a good three hours at night and I make sure he gets at least 12 hours sleep in a total blackout cage cover. Is he now hormonal or am I doing something wrong ? I have a lot to learn about the psychology of these little birds and need help understanding why he is such a Jekyll and Hyde now and more importantly how I should treat this behaviour. Many thanks in advance


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Hi there, and welcome. Yes, unfortunately parrots do hit puberty & it can be a bit challenging. Also if I see pin feathers coming in my parrots can be a bit extra at these times too.

Both of my conures can be beaky. What I mean by that is once they find their beaks they use their beaks for everything, and usually they don’t mean harm by it. Sometimes you have to teach them that biting hurts. If my sun nips too hard I put him back in his cage, shut the door, and walk away giving him my back. It’s a form of shunning, and it shows them that it’s not okay to bite. He chews on my finger nails, eye brows, and so on. Sometimes just a little too hard. He has to learn.

If I get bit out of intent it’s because I bumped a pin feather, they are scared, or because they are hormonal usually in spring. They get nesty at that time as well. I’ll see my conures at the bottom of their cage. They will try to pull up the paper at the bottom of their cages. I’ll see my female clucking in a corner of her cage. My male I will see shaking his tail feathers on his perch. Sometimes he’ll attempt this on my hand. I just approach with caution during these times. My conures don’t mean harm, and they are wild. I am honored that they even allow me to handle them.
Hi and thank you for your reply. What exactly are pin feathers? He's not had a moult since I've had him. Do they moult just once a year or is it a continual process? Sorry for my questions I'm still learning about the green cheek. I shall give him time out when he bites thank you for the advice.
Hi and thank you for your reply. What exactly are pin feathers? He's not had a moult since I've had him. Do they moult just once a year or is it a continual process? Sorry for my questions I'm still learning about the green cheek. I shall give him time out when he bites thank you for the advice.
Hi there!

Pin Feathers are feathers that are starting to grow. They have a sheath around them, almost like the cover to the end of a shoelace. They eventually flake off, leaving the feathers behind. They look a lot like grey-white spikes. I'll post a picture of my Charlie with his pin feathers on his head.

As for molting - it depends on where you are and the temperature of your home. Some birds, especially when indoors in a warm (and climate-controlled!) climate, will molt year-round. Most birds, tho, will molt twice a year: Once in the spring and again in the fall.

And here's Charlie and his head pin feathers:

Charlie caged.webp
Hi there!

Pin Feathers are feathers that are starting to grow. They have a sheath around them, almost like the cover to the end of a shoelace. They eventually flake off, leaving the feathers behind. They look a lot like grey-white spikes. I'll post a picture of my Charlie with his pin feathers on his head.

As for molting - it depends on where you are and the temperature of your home. Some birds, especially when indoors in a warm (and climate-controlled!) climate, will molt year-round. Most birds, tho, will molt twice a year: Once in the spring and again in the fall.

And here's Charlie and his head pin feathers:

View attachment 60773
He's beautiful! Thank you for your information. I've learned a lot. I can't see any on Milo but I'll keep my eyes peeled.
Hi I’m new to the forum and have had my first parrot species a green cheeked conure for 4 months. He is a year old now. When I first got him he was so affectionate and gave me kisses, stepped up on command, etc now he has turned into a nightmare lol he is VERY cage aggressive and even attacks me when I go to change his food and water I let him come out in his own and he will step up from the top of his cage which is 2.5ft x 1.5 ft x 3 foot. When he’s out he can be ok and then really bits hard for no apparent reason. Even if he’s just on my finger he will bite it and he hurts lol I’ve read it might be hormonal due to his age and also his diet needs changing. I have been crushing up pellets to sprinkle on his fresh food to get him used to the taste and gradually increasing the amount of pellets in his seed dish with seeds as a treat and learning aid but he is reluctant to eat them. I don’t stroke his wings or back as I’ve read it can cause aggression. He has an hour out of his cage in the morning and a good three hours at night and I make sure he gets at least 12 hours sleep in a total blackout cage cover. Is he now hormonal or am I doing something wrong ? I have a lot to learn about the psychology of these little birds and need help understanding why he is such a Jekyll and Hyde now and more importantly how I should treat this behaviour. Many thanks in advance
I have a male and a female green cheek conure both are just over 2 years old...around 1 year old ...the teenager stage ...they get nippy.. as someone stated ..spring is hormone time ...take your time ..don't take a bite as a personal thing's the only way for them to react to what they don't understand...and eventually this to will pass...good luck
I have a male and a female green cheek conure both are just over 2 years old...around 1 year old ...the teenager stage ...they get nippy.. as someone stated ..spring is hormone time ...take your time ..don't take a bite as a personal thing's the only way for them to react to what they don't understand...and eventually this to will pass...good luck
Thank you for your reply. It’s good to know it’s just a stage and will pass in time. Do you breed your conures or are they in separate cages? I bet having two is so funny the antics Milo gets up to have me doubled out laughing I can only image double the fun lol
Thank you for your reply. It’s good to know it’s just a stage and will pass in time. Do you breed your conures or are they in separate cages? I bet having two is so funny the antics Milo gets up to have me doubled out laughing I can only image double the fun lol
Cleo is very aggressive and attacks Winston's toes ...they have separate cages and aren't out of the cages together... lol..and NO I'm not breeding them ...that's to involved...they are always looking for how to get into

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