My parakeet has a nasty Xanathoma and has pecked at it and is now bleeding. I need to euthanize her, and am wondering what others think as regards method and how to handle the situation as regards her mate. These are my only birds and I love them so dearly. I'm sorry to ask such morbid questions, but wonder if others think I should let the mate see the dead body afterwards so he knows she's gone? Or just do this all in a separate room and he never sees her after she leaves the cage?
Also Ive found a vet to come to my home but have read horror stories about pain and bird shrieking when needle is inserted into such a tiny heart.
Please....any advice would ease my breaking heart.
Also Ive found a vet to come to my home but have read horror stories about pain and bird shrieking when needle is inserted into such a tiny heart.
Please....any advice would ease my breaking heart.