More Shreadables!


New member
Apr 10, 2007
Echo Bella~CAG~F~2
Lucy~Vos/SI Ekkie~F~8

Paper Plates 50 to 100 depending how big you want your ring - (I used approx 50)
Stainless Steel (SS) wire cut to length, again depending on how big you want your ring (I used approx 42”)
1 plastic shower curtain ring for hanging

Tools: scissors -wire cutters - needle nose pliers - drill

1- Take paper plates cut each plate into 1/4 (these can be cut in 1/3 or 1/8 depending on size of bird)
2- Drill holes into paper plate sections for stringing. (NOTE: With this quantity of paper plates, it’s much easier to drill the can poke thru the plates if a drill is not available)
3- With wire cutters cut a length of SS wire approx 42”
4- Using needle nose pliers make a ring loop at one end of SS wire
5 - String paper plate sections on to SS wire (I found that if you alternate plate piece back to back then front to front you got a thicker ring) till SS wire is really full
6- Take needle nose pliers and make a loop ring at end of SS wire
7- Attach Shower curtain ring thru the 2 loops made in the SS wire (this will make your circle) and you have a hanger
What is nice about this is after your bird has destroyed the paper plate sections you can just undo one of the loops and start all over again re- stringing paper plate sections
This size was made for a CAG.
Sleep Hide-Away

Whiffle Ball - softball sized
Fabric strips

Cut fabric into strips. Whatever length is good for your bird. Your bird should be able to sit under this without bumping his head.
Tie fabric strips tightly to the ball.
Hang and enjoy!!

Unbleached Coffee Filters
Food Skewer or Veggie Tanned Leather Strip
Grapevine Ball or Wiffle Ball (something you can stuff goodies in!)

1. You can take a food skewer if you have one or vegetable tanned leather with a knot in the end.
2. Prepare the coffee filters by poking a hole in them with scissors.
3. Take the coffee filters and place them on the food skewer or leather. Mix up how you put the coffee filters on. One direction, then the other direction, then a group in the same direction etc. However you want and as high as you want.
4. Take a grapevine ball or a wiffle ball. Something that can be stuffed.
5. Stuff the ball with shredding material, eg. paper, small pieces of wood, q-tips, straws
6. Put the ball onto the coffee filters that you have added.
7. Repeat step 3 until you want to end the toy.
8. Add the top of the food skewer or put a knot in the vegetable tanned leather and hang it as a toy.
9. Enjoy!!
I love that ring one, I may just change the paper plates for willow place mats. might last a little longer, :D 2 days instead of 1 :D

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