My 3 years Jacob (CAG)


New member
Aug 29, 2013
To my dears in PARROT FORUM

I hope you all are well and doing fine in your life.
I'm a new member from middle east exactly from Saudi Arabia. I'm so happy to know & joining this Forum to interact with you so we can share information about our Pets :)

I would like to tell you my story so please if there is any matter help me in passing it. This Friday is now the 2ed week for my three years Jacob ( CAG ).
I bought it from a guy who works in Pet-shop. the parrot is from the wild and almost tamed with the guy which he can step up & down from his hand also eats and whistle different things and speak many words as the guy told me about the subject of speaking as I saw that before I bought it except speaking but he speak when i brought him home.
Anyway, I bought it and now he is in my room the first week was in the living room but I moved him to my room cause we all are five in the house and rarely we sit in the living room as all are busy with work. My 3 years Jacob is nice and I feed him from my hand sometimes he allowed me to touch his head when I ask for that.
The matters here is that, is it enough two weeks for him because he won't step up on my hand when I ask him but when I offer the cover of the cage he immediately do that. Sometimes not allowed me to touch his head and sometimes he does, and when he does often fix his beak on the vessel of the feeding sometimes not. when i give him food he eats from my hand. I'm tired to letting him to feel comfortable with me many times i tired to letting him step up my hand but nothing i got so I took the perch of the cage to let him do that but he refused and start screaming I did that but then I stopped. My Jacob always on the stand i just put him inside the cage in sleep time. when any come to my room he whistle and heard him speak little. However, I read a lot in different arabic Forums but wants different information and to gather as much as I can.
I really want to let him feel good and to enjoy as I know nothing about his back ground.
please if you suggest any advise so I can do the best for him


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Feb 18, 2011
1 nanday conure Black Jack, 1 Brotogeris parakeet Whiff, 1 ring neck dove Eliza, and 6 society finches (3 are tame). RIP my parent pairs of societies and my little gouldian finches
Hello and welcome! African greys can be very sensitive to stress, so just take it slow with him. If you have only had him for two weeks, he is still adjusting. The fact that he already is stepping up and taking food from you is very promising. Try treating him like a very shy child. Get on his level and talk to him. Just spend time around him so he can open up when he is ready. You can let him out on top of his cage, or a play stand so he can hang out with you at a comfortable distance. African greys can bite hard, so take it slow and move at his pace to try to avoid bites. If you get bit, never, never strike your bird. It completely destroys trust and ruins the bond and teaches the bird nothing but fear. Instead, sternly say "no" and give him a mean look, they can tell when you are unhappy with a behavior. After that, just put him back on a play stand until he cools down. He also needs a diet of bird pellets, fresh fruit, and veggies. Never give him avocado, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, sugary foods, salty foods, fatty foods, uncooked legumes, milk, or fruit pits. They are very unhealthy and even deadly. He will also need a large cage with bird toys, and plenty of attention. If you are patient and dedicated you will have as wonderful companion for life! Best of luck!!!


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Feb 1, 2011
Antioch, TN
"Willie"&"Lola"B&G Macaw,
"Dixie"LSC2, and "Nico" Scarlet Macaw.
Your new to him and it's only been 2 weeks, it takes time to get adjusted. Watch some videos online on how to tame parrots or ask the guy from the pet shop to show you. It's easier to have it demonstrated then trying to explain it to you here.


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Aug 29, 2013
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Hello and welcome! African greys can be very sensitive to stress, so just take it slow with him. If you have only had him for two weeks, he is still adjusting. The fact that he already is stepping up and taking food from you is very promising. Try treating him like a very shy child. Get on his level and talk to him. Just spend time around him so he can open up when he is ready. You can let him out on top of his cage, or a play stand so he can hang out with you at a comfortable distance. African greys can bite hard, so take it slow and move at his pace to try to avoid bites. If you get bit, never, never strike your bird. It completely destroys trust and ruins the bond and teaches the bird nothing but fear. Instead, sternly say "no" and give him a mean look, they can tell when you are unhappy with a behavior. After that, just put him back on a play stand until he cools down. He also needs a diet of bird pellets, fresh fruit, and veggies. Never give him avocado, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, sugary foods, salty foods, fatty foods, uncooked legumes, milk, or fruit pits. They are very unhealthy and even deadly. He will also need a large cage with bird toys, and plenty of attention. If you are patient and dedicated you will have as wonderful companion for life! Best of luck!!!

thanks you a lot.
you almost right,
I'm trying to spend much time with him and feeding him everything good from my hand just as you said and cleaning his stand in front of him also the cage while he is watching. moreover talking with him in lovely way. but toys he gets scared when he sees it so i put it near the cage as I hanged it beside the cage so he can get used to it, even the Calcium, which comes in a circle shape he do the same so i put it down on his stand plate.
thanks again and again and i'm trying to do my best for him :)

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