My Beloved Green Cheek (Qui Qui) Died


Sep 15, 2016
Peace & Quiet (Yellow-Sided Green Cheek Conures, brother and sister). They are my babies whom I love very much and they are such a blessing.
Processing a lot right now...

My beloved Yellow Sided Green Cheek Conure Qui Qui just passed away. I had her in her cage for the day due to taking care of several other activities and she was acting fine. But this afternoon, when I came downstairs, she was dead. I am frustrated that I do not know why because she was fed and had plenty of water, both her water dispenser and water cup. I have checked her cage but honestly, it is a lot still. Her brother died back in March of 2020 and I did not want her to be by herself.


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I can't emphasize enough how sorry I am. Losing a bird is the worst feeling, and I hope you're doing okay. But know that Qui Qui had a great life with you, and she misses you, maybe even more than you miss her. Fly high ❤️ I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Birds hide health issues unfortunately, I wish so much they let us know. I myself and others have suffered the sudden death.

If this is the second unexplained death. I would try and rule out any household toxin, like the Teflon non stick pots, pans, cookies sheets air fryers, insta pots, and the like. Just to be safe incase when your heart heals you are thinking of sharing your life with a parrot again. I'm not saying this is what happened. Just trying to share caution just incase.

My thoughts are with you, you aren't alone. We know how much love there is between a parrot and person.
Gxg, I am so very sorry for the loss of Qui Qui. I cannot imagine how shocking it must have been to lose her so unexpectedly, particularly given that your beloved PCee was lost not very long ago. I pray that the two of them are reunited in Eternity now - I'm just so very sorry that they left you so soon 💔

Godspeed to the Rainbow Bridge, sweet Qui Qui, until we all meet again. 🙏
With deep sadness I convey my condolences for the passing of Qui Qui. Sudden loss is most vexing and cruel, may her bright memories bring comfort during a time of despair. Please be kind to yourself while grieving, we are here for you.
My deepest condolences on this loss. Most of us have lost a parrot over the years ( me included) and can well sympathize with you how you are feeling. Remember the good times and resolve to do better if you should open your heart again.
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I considered doing an autopsy. However, in all honesty, it didn't feel right to wait over the weekend and I decided to bury her in our animal plot for all of our pets who have passed.


d. I really do not know how to process thru this fully right now.
I considered doing an autopsy. However, in all honesty, it didn't feel right to wait over the weekend and I decided to bury her in our animal plot for all of our pets who have passed.


d. I really do not know how to process thru this fully right now.
Please don't second guess your actions, burial was most comfortable option for you. Many outside the parrot community cannot comprehend the deep attachments with feathered children. Grieving is a meandering process, emotionally and physically uneven. Try to surround yourself with loving, understanding family and friends, we are always here as your extended cyber buddies. Just let the tears flow, privately if necessary.
Processing a lot right now...

My beloved Yellow Sided Green Cheek Conure Qui Qui just passed away. I had her in her cage for the day due to taking care of several other activities and she was acting fine. But this afternoon, when I came downstairs, she was dead. I am frustrated that I do not know why because she was fed and had plenty of water, both her water dispenser and water cup. I have checked her cage but honestly, it is a lot still. Her brother died back in March of 2020 and I did not want her to be by herself.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my Green cheek four and half months ago and the pain remains. I always knew birds hide their symptoms, but now I know how true that is. May your beautiful Qui Qui rest in peace 🌷
I’m sorry for your loss. Qui Qui was obviously well cared for and enjoyed many adventures — the photo of Qui Qui looking out the car window really shows that part of her personality.
It wasn’t your fault. Take care.
I am so sorry. I’m looking at your photos. It’s plain QuiQui really loved you and you really loved her! I am crying some just thinking about this. I lost my sweet Lucybird almost two years ago and I miss her every day. I used to carry her in my scarf just like you have QuiQui because she had a bad leg and got tired perching. She loved to go on errands with me to the pharmacy and the art store and sometimes sneak into the library. I had a bright green scarf that exactly matched her so she could go almost anywhere if she would BE QUIET (not always).
As others have written, birds hide illness very well. It’s an evolutionary trick to keep them safe. If she were living in the forest and started to act sick, the other birds in her flock would probably reject her. You may have noticed if you keep two birds and one gets hurt, the other one may pick on it and drive it away. So QuiQui naturally hid her sickness until it was too late for you to do anything. Besides, we humans are not birds and we can’t tell just what’s going on no matter how careful we are.
i have had some pet birds die over many years and have usually made the choice not to allow my birds to be necropsied. It feels so invasive and you won’t get your bird back whatever you do. If QuiQui’s brother died two years ago, they may not have had the same problem. But anyhow, green cheeks are tiny birds and they can get hurt accidentally or have some sickness.
You know QuiQui’s spirit was very big and that she loved you. Any bird that will lay in your hand like that loves and trusts you. Thank you for giving her and her brother a happy home for as long as you had her. You will not forget her, but maybe you can someday find another bird that needs a home and give it a happy home and love.
Bless you and I hope your sadness eases soon.
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