my bird getting sick!! need your help

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Jan 23, 2014
2 ringnecks
i always give my birds food in a same container cause here in pk i cant effort the other one so one of my bird is getting healthy bcz michael my bird gives every thing tomishal bcz mishal steal it from michael and dont let michael to eat thats why he use to hurt him bite him even though they both are living togethr when they were 1 weak old he is getting sick and now he doesnt want to eat help me
it doesn't sound to me like your bird is getting sick, he is slowly starving to death.

I recently had that happen to me just around christmas. my female cockatiel was eating all the food and would not let my male (num num) near it.

he was very ill on xmas morning, sitting on the bottom of the cage, puffy, sleepy.

I quickly removed her from the cage, supplied heat and gave him some hand feeding formula to kick start him again. within 30 minutes he was eating and drinking again.
it took him about 3 days to return to normal health.

you should remove one of the birds, and give him a chance to recuperate.
I would definitely look at getting another food bowl, would be better to separate them in different cages if one is being aggressive and one if suffering.

If money is a problem start with a new bowl, they are really inexpensive and you could get one online super cheap.

This "illness" is only because he can't get to eat by sounds of it, so the only solution is to either separate or get another bowl. Preferably both?
The first thing to do with a sick parrot is isolate him from your other birds. Get him into a "sick cage" setup in a quiet area with a heat lamp for warmth and half-covered to promote rest. I see you're from Pakistan, so I am not sure what would be available to you in the way of experienced avian vets. The BEST option is to make an emergency appointment with an AV, but if that isn't an option where you live, the next best thing would be a exotics or even general vet who has some parrot experience.
Just curious, what symptoms is your bird showing besides loss of appetite? Best of luck with him.

Edit- if it is just a matter of the bird not getting enough nutrition, either buy a separate cage OR take one bird out for playtime while the other is eating so both can get enough to eat.
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yea she is a female and dont let male to eat food i am still looking for better option if i can get
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onemore thing is it important to place news paper in a bird cage
....this is simple.....separate the birds....if he doesn't improve, then seek a avian vet.
hey tania, take your female out if you can - its the simplest option. or, put 2 separate bowls in the cage....
and yes, you should put a newspaper there or it will be difficult to clean your cage later. will that be okay? :)
the dominant bird will often over see numerous dishes of food, chasing away the weaker one.
even if you put 10 dishes in there, they will not let them eat.
separate your bird is the only option.
If they were my birds and had no other issues living together beyond food, I would take the female out of sight of the cage and play with her for 15/20 minutes while the male eats his dinner. Repeat with the male while the female eats her dinner. Both birds get individual bonding time with you and both get the chance to eat uninhibited. It's a win-win.
A couple of months ago I also had this problem with my budgies. I did add a bowl, and it didn't help at all as the female would kick all the food out of one of the bowls and guard the other. Russell was slowly starving to death. We did separate them (I rehomed the female) and Russell is fine now and living with another male budgie. I agree with Crimson, you need to separate them as quickly as possible.
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ohh nooo but they cant live without each other i know mishal dont like michael but michael definatly dont want to stay away from her
the only other option is to put a divider in the cage.
we have offered some sound advice; but it is your responsibility to make the right choice.....what ever that is.
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Not sound divider, a cage divider that seperates the cage into two sections, allowing both birds to eat in peace.

I have to say I'm somewhat disturbed by your comment that tthey can't live without one another. Currently, one of them is starving to DEATH! Your responsibility is clear - provide the opportunity for that bird to eat and regain his strength, irrespective of whether or not "they can't live wihtout one another". If you do not act, what will the end result be?
Russell also loved Stephanie, the female, but he was starving to death. He did fine once we separated them.
my pair were a bonded mating can't get more in love or attached.

based on our experience, we are speaking the truth, not fiction.
your bird(s) will adjust accordingly should you decide to separate them.(only for a period of time)

what are you afraid of?? that they can't function without each other? it is clear that one is having a difficult time surviving due to starvation... while the other one is over dominating it, resulting in's pretty clear cut to me what you have to do.

not all birds get along, nor meant to be together....just like people.
some birds will over dominate their mates, that is not normal behaviour.
she is too passive to be with him

you will NOT hurt their feelings they will adjust....
it disturbs me greatly that you seek our advice, but you are reluctant not to separate them. IRN's are not monogamous.

when you love a bird, you put their well being above all else.
PLEASE stop arguing with the advice and LISTEN to what people are saying... You say that they can't live apart, but when (not if) the weaker one dies, then they will be apart, forever. Their cages can be side-by-side, but you MUST separate them!!!!
They don't have to be in same cage to be friends.

And relax everyone, this is probably a language barrier issue. The poster is from Pakistan. If anyone is Pakistani, or can speak that dialect, they should private message her and speak to her native tongue rather than have everyone attack her (and drive her from OUR food bowl).
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They don't have to be in same cage to be friends.

And relax everyone, this is probably a language barrier issue. The poster is from Pakistan. If anyone is Pakistani, or can speak that dialect, they should private message her and speak to her native tongue rather than have everyone attack her (and drive her from OUR food bowl).

She clearly understands what we're trying to say, since she's saying that she cannot do that (' ohh noo but they can't live without eachother'). Nonetheless, why would she come to an english forum if she cannot write or understand it? I understand if your resources are limited, and it's fine to work with her, but she seems to be clearly disregarding the advice....

That being said, perhaps we can be a bit less harsh?

Tania, your male bird is starving to death. They can live fine without each other. If you're too worried, than keep the cages next to each other.

Even if it's just for a few days, keep him in a separate, sick cage, and see how he does. He'll probably surprise you, and do fine, and feel better. Hope you decide to separate them.
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