my bird getting sick!! need your help

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Good point, Goalerjones & Sports&Sally.

Tania - sorry if we were a bit harsh. We are all avid parrot parents and worry if we see a parrat in danger. We may seem a bit 'mean', but we really mean well and want the best for all birds :)

Please seperate your birds - before one of them dies so unnecessarily.
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i dont want to say bad words to someone soo let it goo now to the point i am glad to see your comments of all guys and i would really do what i exactly can do i am doing the exact same thing that joshuwa`crimson and cessipengo told me thank u too share you`re precoius comments i am not saperating them i am trying to create love between them two and they are improving little bit but for now i am doing what above of these guys told me i hope it`ll work and an other thing i`have done a mistake by a mistake does`nt mean i am idiot who does`nt even know how to speak if u dont want me to stay in ur (english forum) than i am leaving this was my last thread thank u and i will also tell my friend that first get a masters digree than come to this forum bye
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There are people from ALL OVER THE WORLD who visit THIS forum, and a lot of the times they do not have access to any avian professionals to give them the advice they need- so they turn to US....there is NO REASON to bash another member because of language barriers.

If you cannot respond and give advice without losing your temper or saying snarky comments, then move on.

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