My Harness has arrived.


New member
Dec 24, 2006
I got my new harness from Hartmans in the USA.
Arrived in less than 5 working days.
Now to convince him to wear it.
Oh the joy.
Dont forget the bandaids sir.... maybe some novacain too (shot of Jack Daniels works just as well)

well I hope not Skippah, LOL

some laughing gas might work though :p

you know there was a story in the news a while back about a flock of wild birds (dont remember what kind) anyways they all got "drunk" off of fermented berries :eek: the whole flock flew into a building and well we all know that fate :( but it is still a weird story
I got an aviator yesterday as well (for Mac, it's just a touch too small for Hamlet), Red make sure you watch the DVD that came with it I think it might be very helpful ....
How is going with the harness, or did you take Chi up on her suggestion of Jack Daniels and just dont care bout the harness. :D

I'm sure that once he gets it on and realises what its all about then he'll love it. My harness from Hartman got to me in about 4 days which I thought amazing as a friend ordered one from the UK and it took 2 weeks. :D

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