
Well-known member
Mar 26, 2022
Hello everyone! šŸ‘‹ I have a 2 year old male cockatiel named Kiko :)

I just made a post asking for tips for travelling with a bird in a car because we are planning on going to Danbury (date not decided) from Canada which is a 8-9 hour long drive and we want to take Kiko. However I totally forgot about the fact that we will need to cross the border with him šŸ˜­ does anyone know the procedure or how this all works? We will be going from the NIAGRA falls, Canada border to Buffalo, USA, and then driving to Danbury.

We live in Canada and are going by road and it is around 8-9 hours away. I donā€™t know anyone that I can trust 100% to take care of Kiko while weā€™re gone so I want to take him with us in his carrier (plus the cage in our trunk for when we arrive.) the longest heā€™s travelled in a car is 3 hours (6 in one day.) can someone please provide tips on how to travel so far with a bird and to make sure he doesnā€™t get sick or stressed? My parents believe he will get stressed and uncomfortable so we should give him to a relative, but they all have small children and they wonā€™t be able to take care of him the way we do (basically, he will be trapped in his cage and be very afraid because heā€™s never separated from us.) plus I will be insanely stressed myself without him, thinking something might go wrong when weā€™re not there.

I ALSO WANTED TO ASK: is it OK to leave him in a parked car alone? We will definitely make some stops and might even stop at a mall or outlet for like an hour or so for shopping.
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I would not leave a parrot in a locked car - a) it;s too tempting for thieves and b) If its sunny you get cooked parrot or if the temp is low a frozen one or at least a bird that been too cold for too long.

As an alternate to your problem, have you sought out professional bird sitters? Your vet may know of one. I used one last year, and she was really good.

But at the very least, your Cockatiel will need a current wellness exam and health certificate, within I believe its 30 days.. If you have his Hatch Certificate that will be needed too. And now you need to investigate what each country needs to enter/reenter the respective countries.
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I would not leave a parrot in a locked car - a) it;s too tempting for thieves and b) If its sunny you get cooked parrot or if the temp is low a frozen one or at least a bird that been too cold for too long.

As an alternate to your problem, have you sought out professional bird sitters? Your vet may know of one. I used one last year, and she was really good.

But at the very least, your Cockatiel will need a current wellness exam and health certificate, within I believe its 30 days.. If you have his Hatch Certificate that will be needed too. And now you need to investigate what each country needs to enter/reenter the respective countries.
There is this one family that we can leave him to or we can tell them to come to our house everyday to change his food and water and check on him until weā€™re back but he has attachment issues and gets really stressed if heā€™s away from us for more than one day, which is why I really want to take him with me. But I also understand that taking him is also a stressful thing because I heard he needs to be examined by a vet at the border and I donā€™t know how he will be in a car for 8-9 hours
We had for serval years traveled between Michigan and Florida, which is about 16 hours and our Amazon traveled well. We never left our Amazon in the SUV alone! Since, we stayed overnight one night each way, he would come with us into the motel room.

Crossing International Boarder's can be a nightmare, plus costly. Your crossing and reentering using the same crossing point within 30 days helps! As stated above, a medical certificate is needed and with the increasing number of Bird Flu outbreaks, the Boarders may close without notice! That may resulting in you and your Parrot caught at the Boarder!

Normal Health Certificate document must be provided by a Licensed Avian Vet! To obtain the document will require your Parrot be confined to your home for at least 30 days prior to leaving and to use that document will require your return with in 30 days after issuing. That will require the Avian Vet to make several House Visits to complete the documentation. NOTICE: With the vastly increasing number of Black Market Parrots entering the US cross its Souther Boarder, this MAY REQUIRE that your Parrot be microchipped to assure ownership!

The costs could easily run above $300 USD.

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