My mum has finally agreed to us getting a bird and I am so excited! But I just need some opinions…

I love my conures but they can be really loud which is a problem in our family , not all family members tolarate this willingly...if I could choice again I would go for linnies-lineolated parakeet- not sure whether they are available in your area. They are funny little creatures , not too loud
Thank you for this! Yeah I’ve heard how loud they can get hahahaha but I love them so much. I don’t think noise would be a huge issue for either my mum or myself which is good and I’m very grateful for. And I’ve never heard of that species!
No one here thinks you"re stupud and I'm sorry you got that impression. I appreciate your honest responses. Where I live, most 20 year olds are either students or plan to move into apartments as soon as they can. Their parrots often get left behind. We as parrot forum members and parrot lovers do try to talk people out if getting parrots and I see that isn't lost on you. Reputable parrot rescues do the same and often require home visits before they place a bird with a new owner. Apartment dwellers are often disqualified. The remaining concern is whether your family can accept having a noisy parrot in the house that dislikes them. You need to talk to your family members about this and prepare them for this possible reality.
No one here thinks you"re stupud and I'm sorry you got that impression. I appreciate your honest responses. Where I live, most 20 year olds are either students or plan to move into apartments as soon as they can. Their parrots often get left behind. We as parrot forum members and parrot lovers do try to talk people out if getting parrots and I see that isn't lost on you. Reputable parrot rescues do the same and often require home visits before they place a bird with a new owner. Apartment dwellers are often disqualified. The remaining concern is whether your family can accept having a noisy parrot in the house that dislikes them. You need to talk to your family members about this and prepare them for this possible reality.
Thank you so much for this response. I could never imagine getting a parrot if I hadn’t planned everything first. My mum and I have been talking it all through together, making sure we have a solid plan in place, and to make sure we’re on the same page regarding the huge responsibility it is for both of us and the demanding nature of owning a parrot. I really do appreciate everyone’s concern because I know where it comes from. I’m just a little defensive sometimes because on other platforms and forums, people have been quite mean to me, basically saying that I’m cruel for even thinking about wanting a parrot, even though they have no idea who I am as a person and it makes me really upset. But thank you so much again for this reply, I really appreciate it.
I witnessed people being that way here. They are no longer.
We are here to exchange information and help each other.
We don't "judge"
We are here for the birds as you are
I witnessed people being that way here. They are no longer.
We are here to exchange information and help each other.
We don't "judge"
We are here for the birds as you are
Thank you for saying this. It’s exactly right. I’m not coming on here asking to be judged as to whether I am “worthy” or “allowed” to own a parrot. I’m here to ask for experience so I can be the best parront I can be. I’m allowed to get a parrot, just like everyone else is on here, without being judged.
LINNIES! I've met a few in my life! They are theeee cutest little stinkers, a little bit bigger than a budgie/parakeet and with the sweetest bent-over stance that is natural for them. They're great if noise is a factor. I can't remember if they're talkers or not. They're on my list of birds to eventually be slave to if I don't get conures again. Or any other bird, for that matter.

I'm glad your mom is so understanding. Birds would never fly (pardon the pun) with my parents. My mom's terrified of flying birds in an indoor environment. My dad would find a reason to complain :P LOL!
LINNIES! I've met a few in my life! They are theeee cutest little stinkers, a little bit bigger than a budgie/parakeet and with the sweetest bent-over stance that is natural for them. They're great if noise is a factor. I can't remember if they're talkers or not. They're on my list of birds to eventually be slave to if I don't get conures again. Or any other bird, for that matter.

I'm glad your mom is so understanding. Birds would never fly (pardon the pun) with my parents. My mom's terrified of flying birds in an indoor environment. My dad would find a reason to complain :P LOL!
Awww they sound cute!!

Yeah I’m very very lucky to have a mum like mine 🥹
best advice I can offer on noises is to play some youtube videos of their calls, they can give you at least an idea of what they're like. I was deciding between a little conure and a cockatiel and the final factor was hearing the conure call, it wasn't so much as loud though boy was it louder than I expected from something so small, but it was shrill and I felt my shoulders tense immediately, meanwhile hearing a tiel chirping and whistling all day is quite mellow for me. Just be ready for them to enjoy their voice and assume everyone else does, I think about that video I've seen around of a cockatoo shouting into a plastic cup clearly enjoying themselves!

Linnies look cute, also lovebirds if you're still undecided, personally I'm more inclined to the little guys. The big birds are certainly lovely but definitely need another breed of person, cause once they get bigger so does everything! cage, toys, noise, mess, bites and of course our old friend BILLS! Far cheaper to get toys and food for something that can happily sit on your finger than something the size of a small dog and with the mental capacity of a toddler (including the need for different and more exciting foods!)

try and take your mum with you to any pet stores that sell birds, see if there's any with the larger ones you think you might like, you never know you might see them and decide against or find one and have love at first sight between the pair of you. Hell your mum might even spot one she likes!
Hi! Just thought I would mention one of the more obvious options, but sometimes just going to a local bird store if you have any near you (I would stay away from large chain stores like Petco and Petsmart, personally) and just hang out with some of the birds for a couple hours-- if you're still having trouble deciding which species you're looking for, it can be easier to let a bird choose you 🙃 Even though I'm maxed out with my flock atm, I love going to these places and meeting cool birds (and cool bird-people!)
Another suggestion, just to reassure yourself that you 1000% want a parrot, is to find a parrot rescue and consider volunteering or even fostering! I have an awesome rescue near me (Oregon Parrot Rescue) that is completely foster-based and I will most definately be applying for in the future! It's an amazing way to get some experience with working and training with birds, if you're iffy on immediately adopting a steriotypically "difficult" parrot.
Good luck!!

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