My mum has finally agreed to us getting a bird and I am so excited! But I just need some opinions…


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Jan 5, 2025
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A quick unsolicited backstory: I posted on here a while ago asking if it was okay to keep a parrot in an outside aviary during the day, and bring them in at night as my mum would not allow the bird to be inside while I was at work and she was at home (that was her compromise to let me have a bird).

I was very iffy about this even though I was fully prepared to do whatever it took to keep my bird as safe as possible.

The other day, my Mum came to me and said that she did a lot of thinking, and said that when I get a bird, it can stay inside!!! She said it took a lot of reading and thinking for her but she’s happy to welcome a little feathered family member into the house!

Anyway, the main point of my post is this:

What are the pros and cons of owning one of the following species of parrot…

- male eclectus
- hahn’s macaw
- green cheek conure

I’ve done lots of research and know what I’m getting into with each of these species. But I would REALLYYYY love some personal anecdotes and experiences with any of these (the good and the bad) - I’m only getting one by the way, these are just the species I’m choosing out of

Any answers would be sooooo much appreciated. Thank you so much everyone! ☺️
Congrats! How exciting! As for the birds you mentioned, I've only had experience with the green cheeks. Greenies are bold, sassy, and not afraid to go up to an animal triple their size and weight to pick a fight. They're comical and many enjoy flipping onto their backs to play and wrestle. They're also nippy little &^%%ers and if you get a chick, you're going to have to train it to not nip... or not nip as hard. I love green cheeks. If my other birds pass for whatever reason, I might consider getting a turquoise mutation GCC.
I have none of the species listed but….

eclectus requires a special diet.
The Hanns macaw (to me) has an annoying harsh and raspy call.

Everything I have heard and seen says I would pick the green cheek.
If I didn't have so many birds and if I knew for sure I was going to be healthy and mobile in 25 years I would get a baby green cheek in a second. I'm not "old" but I will be very old in 25 years and I don't want to leave any birds homeless when I pass. Lots of PF members have green cheeks and with the right attention and training they're wonderful companions. Yes, they can be nippy but all birds can be.
I only have experience with a demon Patagonian Conure... don't get one!
I love to read stories here and...
The most frequent happy situations involve the loveable, comical, affectionate GREEN CHEEK CONURE!
Congrats! How exciting! As for the birds you mentioned, I've only had experience with the green cheeks. Greenies are bold, sassy, and not afraid to go up to an animal triple their size and weight to pick a fight. They're comical and many enjoy flipping onto their backs to play and wrestle. They're also nippy little &^%%ers and if you get a chick, you're going to have to train it to not nip... or not nip as hard. I love green cheeks. If my other birds pass for whatever reason, I might consider getting a turquoise mutation GCC.
Thank you so much for this! I’m very excited!! I love green cheeks, they seem so affectionate and funny but I also heard about the nipping part hahahaha (which I expected anyway). Where I live, there are almost no adoption places so I would pretty much only be able to get my bird as a baby whatever species it is. I love their little faces too, so much expression 🥹🥹
I have none of the species listed but….

eclectus requires a special diet.
The Hanns macaw (to me) has an annoying harsh and raspy call.

Everything I have heard and seen says I would pick the green cheek.
Thank you for this! Yes I’ve learnt about the special diet ekkies require - that’s literally the only thing that’s putting me off getting one, but at the same time I would do anything any of my birds need to keep them perfectly healthy. An eclectus (well multiple) was also the first bird I ever got to hold and interact with and I fell in love.

With the Hahn’s macaws, I agree with you there. I’ve watched many videos and that was the thing that stood out to me most hahaha, although of course I know all birds do squawk so I’d be prepared for that. I also adore the personalities of macaws, which is why I’m really considering a Hahn’s.

I have always adored GCC’s personalities too, they were the first parrot I saw when looking up pet birds and I fell in love with them also. They’re cheeky and cute and entertaining (and affectionate), and I love that about them so much too.

I really can’t fault any of these species in my eyes so I’m really struggling 😂
I only have experience with a demon Patagonian Conure... don't get one!
I love to read stories here and...
The most frequent happy situations involve the loveable, comical, affectionate GREEN CHEEK CONURE!
Thank you so much! I love Green Cheeks sooo much, I knew this would be the most common answer as soon as I posted this hahaha. I love their personalities and affection so much. I also feel like there is more knowledge about having these as pets vs the others I listed, which is always comforting to know.

I wish it wasn’t so hard making decisions like these hahaha😂
If I didn't have so many birds and if I knew for sure I was going to be healthy and mobile in 25 years I would get a baby green cheek in a second. I'm not "old" but I will be very old in 25 years and I don't want to leave any birds homeless when I pass. Lots of PF members have green cheeks and with the right attention and training they're wonderful companions. Yes, they can be nippy but all birds can be.
Thank you! That is all so true. From all the reading I’ve done, GCCs are amazing little companions, and their personalities are absolutely gorgeous. The nipping bit was one of the only things I worry about but as you said, all birds do bite.

It’s still really hard for me to decide because I love the other two species just as much 😩
Do you have a source for a Hahns Macaw or an Eclectus near where you live? Green cheeks are much easier to find because there are a lot of breeders.
Do you have a source for a Hahns Macaw or an Eclectus near where you live? Green cheeks are much easier to find because there are a lot of breeders.
Surprisingly yes! I live between two very well known specialist bird aviaries/shops who both sell the species I mentioned! One of my friends has a male ekkie who comes from one of these places 😁
Surprisingly yes! I live between two very well known specialist bird aviaries/shops who both sell the species I mentioned! One of my friends has a male ekkie who comes from one of these places 😁
Hahns macaws look like nice birds.
If your mom has struggled this hard to agree to even have Bird in the house while you’re out, an Ekkie isn’t for you. These birds are work, and take up a lot of space and time, they’re imposing. They require nothing less than full buy in from all family members without reservation or hesitation. Not to mention probably the worse soul-wrenching scream of any parrot species. I love my ekkie boy, but would never get an Ekkie (or medium sized parrot in general) under your circumstances.

The diet…is what it is, it’s just a lot of fresh veggies and whole grains. and with time and skill becomes unimposing and as second nature as any feeding any other diet.

For you, I’d keep the bird choice small and relatively unimposing. So a GCC or other pyrrhura conure (ie crimson bellied conure; there are others just like the GCC), or perhaps a cockatiel, I’d posit would be the best way for you to go.
If your mom has struggled this hard to agree to even have Bird in the house while you’re out, an Ekkie isn’t for you. These birds are work, and take up a lot of space and time, they’re imposing. They require nothing less than full buy in from all family members without reservation or hesitation. Not to mention probably the worse soul-wrenching scream of any parrot species. I love my ekkie boy, but would never get an Ekkie (or medium sized parrot in general) under your circumstances.

The diet…is what it is, it’s just a lot of fresh veggies and whole grains. and with time and skill becomes unimposing and as second nature as any feeding any other diet.

For you, I’d keep the bird choice small and relatively unimposing. So a GCC or other pyrrhura conure (ie crimson bellied conure; there are others just like the GCC), or perhaps a cockatiel, I’d posit would be the best way for you to go.
Thank you so much for this, this is very insightful.

My mum is actually completely fine and happy about getting a bird now! She did a lot of her own research (as well as listening to me ramble on hahaha) and she is looking forward to it.

I explained to her the hard work and the needs of each of these and she said she’d be happy to have any join the family. Also I have a friend with a male eclectus and he said I can ask him anything.

I’m glad to hear about their diet becoming second nature.

And about GCCs, that’s what I love about them, that they’re a relatively “easy” bird to own compared to the other two in terms of its overall needs - I know no bird is an easy pet to have, don’t get me wrong! And the fact that soooo many people love them. That’s what’s making me look at GCCs too.
I love my conures but they can be really loud which is a problem in our family , not all family members tolarate this willingly...if I could choice again I would go for linnies-lineolated parakeet- not sure whether they are available in your area. They are funny little creatures , not too loud
Look, lets be real with this person. All parrots CAN be loud at some point. Or, if not loud as a jet, be so insistant and repetitive that the quieter scream/call, repeated every 15 seconds, can drive you nuts. Example: my BeeBee parrot Max was not loud like a macaw, but he had this piercing cheap cheap he would do for hours on end. It was work to get him distracted and not with treats or other stuff that would be a reenforcement of doing it. So all family members need to understand this. And this bears repeating:

ALL concessions will be made by you and the family. The parrot will make none. Thats just the way they are.
Look, lets be real with this person. All parrots CAN be loud at some point. Or, if not loud as a jet, be so insistant and repetitive that the quieter scream/call, repeated every 15 seconds, can drive you nuts. Example: my BeeBee parrot Max was not loud like a macaw, but he had this piercing cheap cheap he would do for hours on end. It was work to get him distracted and not with treats or other stuff that would be a reenforcement of doing it. So all family members need to understand this. And this bears repeating:

ALL concessions will be made by you and the family. The parrot will make none. Thats just the way they are.
Yes of course! Sound isn’t really an issue for us (except maybe for Sun conures or amazons haha) but my mum understands that all birds can be loud no matter if they’re known as being a quieter species. I’m trying to find the perfect bird for our family based on more demeanour (and yes, I understand no two parrots of the same species will behave the same, you don’t need to tell me that haha).
What are your plans for the next five years of your life? What are your plans for the next 50 years of your life? Are you going to stay living with your parents forever? Are you going to go to school? Get your own apartment?
All these questions which I doubt you can answer at this stage will impact the life of your parrot.
What are your plans for the next five years of your life? What are your plans for the next 50 years of your life? Are you going to stay living with your parents forever? Are you going to go to school? Get your own apartment?
All these questions which I doubt you can answer at this stage will impact the life of your parrot.
I will be living with my mum for quite a while given that the house prices in my country are through the roof and I’m only 20. I’ve just gotten a good job which I’m planning to stay in. I’m about to finish my course this year (and the job I got is related to my course so it’s what I want to stick with) my job is also literally around the corner from where I live. I don’t want kids and my parrot will be my “child” and I will look after it as such and give just as much attention and love and care to it as I would a human child.

I’m not moving into an apartment as that is not a common way of living where I live. I can pretty confidently answer those questions. I’m not rushing into getting a parrot either. I’m just trying to gather as much knowledge as I can. It’ll probably be about a year before I get one so I have plenty of time to settle into my job and life after I finish my qualification and I’ll judge whether I can handle a parrot then. I’m not stupid and I care about all animals so much, I’m not going to create a stressful environment for my bird and I’ll only get one when I know I’m ready.

Just because I’m new to having a bird as a companion, doesn’t mean I won’t be a responsible and good bird owner. You don’t need to talk to me like I don’t know what I’m getting into or that I won’t give my bird a good life and should just give up the idea of getting one just because I’m young. I’m an introvert, I love animals they make me feel safe. I know plenty of people my age who have a parrot of their own. I know the HUGE responsibility, I’ve been told on here a million times and I’ve done plenty of research to know what I’m in for. I know it will be extremely taxing at times, but I want that. I know you just want to make sure all birds have the best life possible, but you don’t know me and how much care I take with animals. I do get your concerns, trust me.

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