My New baby... Again!!!


Oct 8, 2006
South Africa
Dory - Cockatiel
Just wanted to show off my newest baby!!! I have no idea how old he is, but he is sooo cute. I got him yesterday from my friend, he just took him out of the nest box. And as you can see he already has his feathers and was only removed from the box yesterday. He didnt even huff or puff or try to bite, so he already has a great personality!!!:D

Here he is!!! His name, well dont know yet, you guys have to give me ideas please!!

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Let me know what you think!!!
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OMG, he is just to cute, How could you not fall for a face like that. Beautiful. :07: Whenever I see these little guys it makes me so broody ~ for the feathered kind anyway ~

I'm still looking for my new baby to find me. Soon I hope. We are gonna wanna see lots of his pics as he grows up. :D
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His got a name!!! His name is Karools (thats in Afrikaans), and he only eats scramble eggs for ow that is. He has no idea what he should eat and how and i was stressing that he will die of hunger, so i tried pellets, cooking mixes, seed and nothing worked. And so my bright idea came of giving egg, well and he loves it and is learning now how to eat on his own, so i throw some seed inbetween and he picks it up and munches it with his egg.:20:

Will take some pics of him devouring the eggs, its actually cute, cause he doesnt look and eat, he just slides his beak and feels for whatever is lying there and gobbles it up! LOL!!!

Talk to ya later, and yes i am broody again!!!:D
What a cutie., I have handreared quite a few cockateils and i would say he is about six weeks old or so. Try him on a good egg and biscuit mix or a good hand rearing formular,Warm it up to about 36 degrees c and see how he goes.

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