my new eclectus


New member
Dec 20, 2012
I purchased a female eclectus 3 months ago.2 weeks ago I drove 19 hours to pick up a male.while there I met a pair of eclectus that was kept at seaworld in ohio.i could not leave without them.went for 1 came back with 3.its been 3 weeks Monday and the pair have an egg already. the single female has snuggled up to the extra male I purchased.he feeds her already.
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found a second egg today---considering pulling eggs and incubate inside.i understand that they lay 2 eggs
Were you planning on breeding them?
Great luck on the egg :41: . Are you going to keep any of the ekies as pets?
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yes I was wanting to try breeding them.---I have 2 pair probably will not keep all I raise----was amazed how fast the settled down and laid 2 eggs
Do you have experience with breeding and hand-feeding?

And out of curiosity, why do you want to pull the eggs instead of letting your ekkie hen sit them?
wow how exiting !! I hope you have a very big home since for me one is already alot of work and patience!!

They can be very noisy!! If you are planing to bread them you better off by seting up a garden Aviary!

Keep on posting pictures are must welcome!!

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