My New Mac


New member
Feb 25, 2016
Harlequin Macaw
:red1: Hi I am a new Mac owner I have kept birds in my past from kestrels to Large Hawks and Owls in my past. But now I have time to spend on a bird I went looking for something that was always my favorite bird. I went looking for a Scarlet Macaw… But things have a way to happen and I fell for a 2 ½ year old harlequin. He has had a very sad past. Originally hand reared. Then left to go wild in an aviary, rescued by a pet store who had him for months, sold him and he was returned as he didn’t like a family member and classed as a problem bird as well as wild. So it has been passed around from pillar to post.

I saw this majestic forlorn bird when going to check out a different bird I was left alone with the parrots and told I could go in all bar one cage a B&G Mac I tried to feed him an almond and he dropped it trying to get it through the bars so I opened his cage and fed him some almonds which surprised a member of staff that had walked around the corner that it would take the nuts from me so readily. So I asked the store of its history, no one knows its sex and the bird has not seen a vet in I don’t know how long. I decided it is in dire need a forever home and I am a sucker when it comes to animals in need. ( I call him He right now)His wild nature makes him nippy, mistrusting he has mild night terrors when first falling asleep.

I took my significant other to see him and my young daughter both agreed to a new family member and the Mac has a shine towards both of them. The Bird itself has taken on a calmer attitude since its arrival only some 3 days ago, faster than I expected. He is here in our main living room and we talk to him, engage him and we're are trying to find out his favorite treats. I play with him on his terms when he lets me, whilst my daughter and other half talk to him and give him the occasional treat without putting themselves in harm’s way till he becomes more stable. I have already tried him with small amounts of training and in the 3 days I have had small successes each day and each day I gain a little more trust. Today’s success was he allowed me to stroke his upper bill without being bitten for just a few seconds at a time over the course of the day.

I have contacted my local avian vet for him to be health checked, sexed and to be micro chipped. And I am hoping to be able to get him there ASAP but unlike in the pet store where the bird took the fight to death stance, As right now he shows no major signs of health issues I want to get him there once he gives me enough trust to allow me to put him in a carrier. I would rather gain his trust than resort to similar tactics of the pet store with gloves and a blanket.

And that's where I am up to right now settling him down for the night till he falls alseep.

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Parrot of the Month 🏆
Nov 22, 2015
Isle of Long, NY
Yellow Shoulder Amazon, Salty
Welcome and thank you for taking a chance on this beautiful bird.


New member
Nov 18, 2015
England, UK
Lou, Ruby, and Sonu.
Fly free Plum, my gorgeous boy.
Hi and welcome, enjoyed reading your intro and look forward to hearing and seeing more in the future.


New member
Feb 17, 2016
Welcome! I'm sure your new family member is so grateful you decided to offer up a loving forever home. Kudos!

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