my new parrots... help..!!!


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Jun 19, 2009
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hey i got a gift a week ago....
these parrots...
i want to know what type of parrots are they...?
they are quite shy and doesnt speak much. they keep fighting , one has a long blue tail and 1 has a short one. the one with long tail fights alot with other... please help me:confused::confused:


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LoL i was looking up pictures and trying to see... but i really dont have the a clue.. i looked up Indian ring neck... i looked up pictures of a mustache par. i have no clue.. but they are BEAUTIFUL! I'll take them if you dont want them! LOL!
They are Plum-headed Parakeets. They are an Asian ringneck variety. You should be able to find information on them pretty easily by researching that name.
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Glad someone had an answer - they did remind me of Indian Ring Necks, but with that color face I was thrown. Was thinking they might be ring necks with their rings on too tight! :D

As far as the fighting it could be because they are both males as Meghan suggested, but regardless of sex pairs of birds can't just be thrown together and expected to get along, which may have happened to them a week ago. When introducing birds to each other they should each have their own cage - eventually they might be happy together in one cage; in some cases they never would be.

If they are not getting along I'd suggest getting another cage so they can each have their own space. Hopefully they could get used to each other over time but they wouldn't be forced together all the time.
=) i totally thought they were some form of ring neck... lol =) They are sooo beautiful! OOOO i just reread Cota's post.. i was right some form of ring neck!!! Go me!!!! hehe good luck with them! I'd do what Auggie suggested.. Put them in their own cage but sit them next to eachother (cages next to one another) and allow them to adjust to the new envirement not just their new cage but your home as well. This must be very over whelming for them. =) Good Luck!

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