My Scarlet is grateful for these forums


New member
Nov 28, 2009
New Port Richey, Florida
Macaws: Hyacinth, B&G's, Greenwings, Scarlets, Blue Throated. Afr Grey, Cuban Amazon, Caiques, et al
These forums are more than just the exchange of ideas. I shipped my Scarlet Macaw, Mia last Thursday to Baltimore, MD. When I had not heard from the receiver and could not get in touch with the gentleman, I called the airlines and found out that he has refused to take her and just abandoned her at the airport. Of course, no one let me know and I was hysterical. I was informed that since there were no overnight facilities there for animals, they would have to call animal control. I freaked and begged and cried for that not to happen but for them to please ship her back to me. I called my friend Cindy (Riley's Mom) and she put together a plan. She got on one of the forums and began asking for help in the Baltimore area. In the meantime, the shift supervisor at the airport called me back and let me know they would keep Mia there and get her on the 6 am flight. There was a big storm coming on Friday and that was the only window. In the meantime, people were responding and offering to go to the airport, pay the fees, pick her up and keep her until she could ship out again. Mia was able to miss the storm, but was stuck in GA for 4 hours. I finally got her at 4 pm Friday. She had been in the crate 33 hours. People were anxious right along with me and other members were keeping them posted on any developments. I was glad the forum was there to help my Mia who was in trouble. It was comforting and touching to me to know that there were caring members willing to help. These forums are critical for so many reasons and I am grateful to be a member of them. (so is Mia).:blue:

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