My sulphur's yearly check up


New member
Nov 27, 2016
Wellington, New Zealand
Syd, one 65yr old Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
And now Zak, 24yr old Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
SO last year in November Syd got quite sick with what we think was the start of fatty liver disease. He's pretty old, at the very least 65years but we think he's older than that, so he's had a long life on sunflower seeds and other fatty foods which has been fun trying to get him off.

Anyway, I took him into the vets on sat for his check up to see if he has managed to lose 300gs as he needed to lose a 1/4 of his weight and woohoo, he has. Only thing that the vet was worried about was that he has dirty feathers around his nostrils but he has since before we got him 30 odd years ago. A clean diet hasn't fixed it so she thinks he may have damaged sinuses but it doesn't seem to bother him. We have also put him on arthritis drugs to see if it helps him move around better.

I'm so happy with how he has progressed, mush more chatty, comes out of his cage all the time now instead of refusing too, hangs out in the garden with me. Was even really well behaved at the vets, last time their keyboard and scales got attacked :18:

Anyone else got their cockatoo on arthritis drugs? If so did it make much difference?
Congratulations to you and Syd for a stunning weight loss! What a gift to have a parrot approach the theoretical lifespan despite some unclean living!

No experience with arthritis drugs. Assume they are in a similar class as human meds? Given the weight loss, he has got to feel much better, witness his increased activities.
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Congratulations to you and Syd for a stunning weight loss! What a gift to have a parrot approach the theoretical lifespan despite some unclean living!

No experience with arthritis drugs. Assume they are in a similar class as human meds? Given the weight loss, he has got to feel much better, witness his increased activities.

The drug we have a is a dog one, its called Metacam. I've been giving him the minimum dose of 0.3mls and it seems to be making a difference in him. Moving a bit better. He has changed a lot since changing his diet last year, he would hardly come out of his cage but he's out as soon as I get home from work and is in and out all night for as long as he can now.
Beautiful pics, thanks for sharing! Nice to know a minimal dose is effective.
The drug we have a is a dog one, its called Metacam. I've been giving him the minimum dose of 0.3mls and it seems to be making a difference in him. Moving a bit better. He has changed a lot since changing his diet last year, he would hardly come out of his cage but he's out as soon as I get home from work and is in and out all night for as long as he can now.

Metacam is basically a pain med. I have had parrots on Metacam twice, but both times for broken nails. It has no affect in the arthritis itself, but makes them pain free.

The only thing I know of to alieviate arthritis is glucosamine with MSM, which is extract from sea shells and MSM is a sulfur, that helps the body to make use of the Glucosamine. I haven't used it for any parrots, but have used it for dogs, horses and myself. You might want to ask your vet if Glucosamine could help your Syd :)
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The drug we have a is a dog one, its called Metacam. I've been giving him the minimum dose of 0.3mls and it seems to be making a difference in him. Moving a bit better. He has changed a lot since changing his diet last year, he would hardly come out of his cage but he's out as soon as I get home from work and is in and out all night for as long as he can now.

Metacam is basically a pain med. I have had parrots on Metacam twice, but both times for broken nails. It has no affect in the arthritis itself, but makes them pain free.

The only thing I know of to alieviate arthritis is glucosamine with MSM, which is extract from sea shells and MSM is a sulfur, that helps the body to make use of the Glucosamine. I haven't used it for any parrots, but have used it for dogs, horses and myself. You might want to ask your vet if Glucosamine could help your Syd :)

I didn’t even think of glucosamine or msm, which is stupid as I use it myself. I wonder how I’d feed it thou, it’s pretty revolting tasting and he fussy enough at the best of times.
Glucosamine is available here in liquid form and also flavoured which may work for you by putting some in a juice or on a much favoured food. Again with the blessing of your AV though.
Caution using glucosamine. It can help healing cartilage but the you need to get info on proper dose. I have used it but vet was very specific to be careful and not overdo.
Metacam... from what I have read this can cause more problems than it helps, especially for long term use. Celebrex seems to be much safer and effective. Again, proper dose is important. Celebrex is not commonly kept at vet clinics but I had mine mixed in oil suspension by a compounding pharmacy. Fairly flavorless... its easy to disguise or the pharmacy can flavor it for your bird.
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Caution using glucosamine. It can help healing cartilage but the you need to get info on proper dose. I have used it but vet was very specific to be careful and not overdo.
Metacam... from what I have read this can cause more problems than it helps, especially for long term use. Celebrex seems to be much safer and effective. Again, proper dose is important. Celebrex is not commonly kept at vet clinics but I had mine mixed in oil suspension by a compounding pharmacy. Fairly flavorless... its easy to disguise or the pharmacy can flavor it for your bird.

Yes, the vet did warn about long term use with Metacam, I've had to stop using it anyway as it seems to have gone off which is really annoying. However with the glucosamine I won't be doing anything without speaking to the vet.

Plumbsmum, thanks for that, will chat to the vet and see if we get it in New Zealand. He's hard enough with new foods as it is
I use a product for horses for all of us (even me). It seems quite tasteless to me. It's a powder. I put it in a milkshake and I don't taste it. I guess you could put it in a syringe mixed with juice and I don't think Syd will notice (if Syd knows how to take liquids from a syringe)

This is what I use: Glucosamine 12,000 Plus MSM & HA

And obviously you should consult your vet before you choose to try anything on your parrot :)
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I use a product for horses for all of us (even me). It seems quite tasteless to me. It's a powder. I put it in a milkshake and I don't taste it. I guess you could put it in a syringe mixed with juice and I don't think Syd will notice (if Syd knows how to take liquids from a syringe)

This is what I use: Glucosamine 12,000 Plus MSM & HA

And obviously you should consult your vet before you choose to try anything on your parrot :)

He won’t touch a syringe, had to give him antibiotics twice a day, he utterly hated that so no more syringe.

I don’t think I’d be able to get that in New Zealand unless it’s already been imported. But we’ll see what the vets thoughts are first

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