Need advice on conures wing

Jul 23, 2023
7 month old sun conure
A few weeks ago I posted a thread about my conure wing. He broke a flight feather on his left wing and it was bleeding a little. Fast forward this morning I noticed him keep twitching his left wing. And this afternoon after work he usually does his dance and flys around the house to greet me. After he was done flying his wing was droopy and as I asked him if he was okay. He chirped and then he tucked it back in. Unfortunately his avian vet is closed for the night and the next available appointment isnā€™t untill noon tomorrow. I am keeping him in his cage untill tomorrow to prevent him on flying (donā€™t want him to hurt it more) I gave him some treats and he happily went in by himself. Any advice to help him? I always feel like a terrible bird mom when he gets hurt. He is still a young conure and is learning to fly so I kind of knew he might get hurt flying :-(
Iā€™m so sorry this happened to your bird!!! One thing you can try is giving your bird peppermint, chamomile, ginger or turmeric. These plants can relieve some of the discomfort your bird may be feeling. Try mixing some of these into his pellets or vegetables to see if he will eat them or make a tea and cool it down before mixing it into his water bowl. This will hopefully give him some sort of relief until you go to the vet.
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Iā€™m so sorry this happened to your bird!!! One thing you can try is giving your bird peppermint, chamomile, ginger or turmeric. These plants can relieve some of the discomfort your bird may be feeling. Try mixing some of these into his pellets or vegetables to see if he will eat them or make a tea and cool it down before mixing it into his water bowl. This will hopefully give him some sort of relief until you go to the vet.
Thank you for the advice! Unfortunately my avian vet is sick and was unable to see my conure. Iā€™m trying to find another avian vet but itā€™s two hours away. Iā€™ll will try to take him to an all creatures emergency care.
I feel really bad for the mishap with your birdie. If a parrot has a broken wing and is bleeding, it's essential to provide immediate first aid to stabilize the injury and minimize bleeding before seeking professional veterinary care. Here are steps you can take:

1. Stay Calm: Approach the bird calmly and gently. Speak softly to reassure it.
2. Secure the Bird: Carefully pick up the bird and place it in a small carrier or box lined with a soft cloth or towel. This will help prevent further injury and keep the bird calm during transportation.
3. Assess the Injury: Examine the wing carefully to determine the extent of the injury. If you suspect a broken bone, handle the bird with extreme care to avoid causing additional harm.
4. Control Bleeding: If the wing is bleeding, apply gentle pressure to the wound using a clean, sterile gauze pad or cloth. Do not apply excessive pressure, as this could further injure the bird. Elevate the wing slightly to help reduce bleeding.
5. Immobilize the Wing: To prevent further damage to the broken wing, immobilize it by carefully wrapping it against the bird's body. Use a soft cloth or bandage to secure the wing in place. Be careful not to wrap too tightly, as this could restrict the bird's breathing.
6. Keep Warm: Place the carrier or box in a warm, quiet area away from drafts. Cover the carrier with a towel or blanket to provide warmth and security for the bird.
7. Limit Movement: Minimize any unnecessary movement of the bird to prevent further injury. Avoid handling or disturbing the bird unless absolutely necessary.
8. Transport to the Vet: Once the bleeding is under control and the wing is stabilized, transport the bird to a qualified avian veterinarian as soon as possible for proper medical treatment. Provide the vet with as much information as possible about the bird's condition and the circumstances surrounding the injury.

Remember, first aid measures are only temporary solutions. Professional veterinary care is essential for properly diagnosing and treating a broken wing in a parrot.
Thank you for the advice! Unfortunately my avian vet is sick and was unable to see my conure. Iā€™m trying to find another avian vet but itā€™s two hours away. Iā€™ll will try to take him to an all creatures emergency care.
Yes of course! Iā€™m so sorry about your vet though!! I know how tough it can be to find an avian vet around you so good luck!!!

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