Need encouragement to push through the screaming phase....


New member
Apr 1, 2024
Sun Conure
My young new sun conure has not stopped screaming since I brought her home from the breeder, she is several months old now.
I let her out of her cage several times of the day to fly, play with different foraging and she helps me set up her dinners.
But during the day I have to work on my master program school work, and she tears up my keyboard so she must stay in her cage while I work. Or she wants me to hold her with my hands, and I have to work (I type essays weekly and do a lot of studying). She will also not stay on top of her cage where toys are, she wants to destroy where I am working.
Her cage is literally right next to my desk, but all she does is scream, pace and be fussy while I ignore her. She isn't hungry, has water, lots of foraging I change daily to refresh it but she just wants out constantly... I got her because I love birds, and I am home a lot. I read I can't cover her, move her to another room and I should just endure.

Is this just a training phase? Do I just ignore her and she will learn to calm down as she ages and gets used to the routine of me working next to her? I am just seeking encouragement for us as she is driving me insane.
My young new sun conure has not stopped screaming since I brought her home from the breeder, she is several months old now.
I let her out of her cage several times of the day to fly, play with different foraging and she helps me set up her dinners.
But during the day I have to work on my master program school work, and she tears up my keyboard so she must stay in her cage while I work. Or she wants me to hold her with my hands, and I have to work (I type essays weekly and do a lot of studying). She will also not stay on top of her cage where toys are, she wants to destroy where I am working.
Her cage is literally right next to my desk, but all she does is scream, pace and be fussy while I ignore her. She isn't hungry, has water, lots of foraging I change daily to refresh it but she just wants out constantly... I got her because I love birds, and I am home a lot. I read I can't cover her, move her to another room and I should just endure.

Is this just a training phase? Do I just ignore her and she will learn to calm down as she ages and gets used to the routine of me working next to her? I am just seeking encouragement for us as she is driving me insane.
Ignoring her could work, i know it works for other birds.
Once you start ignoring her eventually she will realize that the screaming isn't working to get attention so she will eventually stop, but it could take a few days for this to fully stop

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