Need your Help!


New member
Feb 19, 2012
Kiwi-3 year old Nanday Conure, Loui-5 year old Gold-capped Conure!
I am looking to get another bird. I was told that he is a copper head conure. I've seen pictures of these "cherry" head conures and this is not one of them. I was wondering if someone could look at these pictures and give me opinions. To me it looks more like a Sun conure but I cant be sure.


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Sorry not a Sun!! But it does look like its possibly cross bred with one doesnt he? Need help
If i am not mistaken i think it's a Golden-capped Conure. It is also related to the Sun & Jandaya.
Definetely not a sun! But pretty nonetheless!
The only two that look like that are gold capped and half moon, but the half moon has a horn colored upper mandible. So that bird is a gold capped.
Gold cap conure it is! As couple posters said it already. One of the conures you don't see often. You do know they can be big time screamers right?
Gold cap conure it is! As couple posters said it already. One of the conures you don't see often. You do know they can be big time screamers right?

Considering the OP has a Nanday, he/she is probably already used to that... :D
Gold cap conure it is! As couple posters said it already. One of the conures you don't see often. You do know they can be big time screamers right?

Considering the OP has a Nanday, he/she is probably already used to that... :D

Yes, many conure breeders consider the Nanday to be the most obnoxious of them all, lol! Now thankfully my Blue Crown didn't screech very often, but I had more trouble with her ear piercing one than I do with Rowdy. I always just ignored it because in her case she did it to express joy, but my cat would march up to her and glare at her like, "If you don't shut up right now, I'm going to eat you!" And the bird would stop:D
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The screaming really doesnt bother me because Kiwi can be quite the screamer herself. But I'll tell ya, my kids do a way better job of screaming than any bird could ever hope to! So I think he'd do fine here.
The screaming really doesnt bother me because Kiwi can be quite the screamer herself. But I'll tell ya, my kids do a way better job of screaming than any bird could ever hope to! So I think he'd do fine here.

Hahaha! Very well said!

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