Nemo pics


New member
Sep 26, 2012
African grey
Sun conure
B&G Macaw
image.jpgMy baby
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I don't know how to add more than one pic....sorry


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Nemo is one cute B&G baby!!! Thanks so much for sharing those :)
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Thanks Plax, I think so too but I'm a little bias, haha. I have to ask you do you see anything wrong with him. I'm asking because of another blog site. They have had me a little (ok a lot) upset saying there is something wrong with him. That I need to go to an emergency vet because he's sick. It's very upsetting.
Thanks Plax, I think so too but I'm a little bias, haha. I have to ask you do you see anything wrong with him. I'm asking because of another blog site. They have had me a little (ok a lot) upset saying there is something wrong with him. That I need to go to an emergency vet because he's sick. It's very upsetting.
Hmm, that's strange. I don't notice anything from the pictures you've posted. He IS fluffed up a bit but he's been through a lot and he's undoubtedly struggling to take it all in. It's a whole new world for him! What exactly did they tell you is the basis of their concern?
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They said he looks too small, malnourished and he has stress markers all over him. I thought he looks like a beautiful baby B&G.
They said he looks too small, malnourished and he has stress markers all over him. I thought he looks like a beautiful baby B&G.
IMO, the size isn't something you can rely upon. Each bird is an individual and some grow a bit faster and larger than others might. I don't notice what I would consider stress marks among his feathers - but it's not that easy to tell for sure from the photos you've posted.

If you are truly concerned, you can certainly schedule an appointment for Nemo with an avian vet. Keep in mind, though, that if you do so it will be stressful for him to a point. Lets see what others here think based upon your photos and the information you've provided.
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Well I'm certainly no expert in avian medicine or the keeping of macaws. But, I for one think Nemo is a beautiful baby. It's always stressful on babies moving to a new home & not knowing what to expect from their new Mom.

My special needs macaw had stress marks on his feathers & his wings were beat up pretty badly from him learning how to survive without being able to stand. He was taken very good care of by the breeder, but the hand he was dealt meaning being born with a disability caused the stress marks. The vet said he was in very good health other than his leg joints. He is 1 yr. & 7 months old & has almost replaced all the tattered & stress marked feathers.

If a vet. check deems Nemo in great health, then I would not worry one bit about someone making judgment they are not qualified to make from a photo.
Sherry: If you want peace of mind, an avian vet check could help. You can also just monitor how Nemo does in terms of eating, playing, socializing, etc. If he's appearing to engage and interact with the people and things around him it will be a very good sign! And of course monitor his weight!
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Yea, I'm going to monitor his weight and just keep a watch over him. He loves people and playing. Some of my family came over to meet him today and he was great, he was very engaged with everyone. He is also pretty active, climbing up and around the inside and outside of his cage and playstand as well as playing with his toys. He really seems fine to me.
He's lovely Sherry, I'm no expert on birds health, but he just looks like a baby to me. It could just be the angle of the camera and lighting making his feathers look different. If he's interacting and eating well I wouldn't worry about it, just keep an eye on him... By the looks of how beautiful he is you will have trouble NOT keeping an eye on him. ;)

Thanks for sharing the pictures. More please.. Hehe.
Yea, I'm going to monitor his weight and just keep a watch over him. He loves people and playing. Some of my family came over to meet him today and he was great, he was very engaged with everyone. He is also pretty active, climbing up and around the inside and outside of his cage and playstand as well as playing with his toys. He really seems fine to me.
I'm so glad to hear it :). I think it's best to scrutinize advice from certain individuals in discussion groups. While such people may mean well, they sometimes go overboard when it comes to risk / danger health concern assessment. And they occasionally do so without being qualified and without enough information. So I think the correct decision is to do exactly what you're doing in checking multiple sources and simply monitoring your new baby bird's progress forward :)

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