New Addition to Flock


New member
Aug 16, 2012
Largo Florida
two 'tiels both boys, Punkie 4 and Rocky, 3. A one year old green cheek, male named Beeker (rules the house lol), A Senegal about 9 months named Baby, sex undetermined, and a male blue fronted Amazon
Well today my hubby, Bob and I adopted a young Blue Quaker. She is aprox. 4 years old. The first owner passed on and her daughter inherited her. She did not care for birds so she took it to a local pet store. They said they would try to find her a suitable home. One of the workers felt sorry for her and took her home. He likes her, but said his lifestyle was unfair to the bird. We were in the pet store looking for toys and he overheard us talk about our birds and that I wanted a quaker and was waiting for a chick this spring from a sun conure I had rescued. The sun conure was lacking lots of vitamins and I was afraid that due to my lack of knowlege at that time he might not have quality of life without proper treatments. So I gave him to my breeder friend with the understanding that if he found a mate and had viable eggs, that I could have a male chick from the first brood. The quakers name was Pia but I think Tia is better, lol, so Tia it is. I will post pics when I can. She is very social but once on your shoulder she doesn't want off. Common problem easily solved,hehe.


New member
Mar 19, 2012
Awesome! I just love our quaker--she is very sweet, super smart and will go to everyone. Great addition!!!


New member
May 6, 2012
1 male Quaker-Cooper
thats awsome!!! i just got my baby green yesterday! he is awsome and already had almost matered "step up". they learn so fast!!!! he fits right in. my one dog loves him so much he let him ride on his back! good luck!


New member
Oct 6, 2012
Norman 2 (quaker) Ozzy 4(cockatiel)
Need advice on how to make my 2 year old, second owner quaker comfortable. I want to make his transition easy. Are there any tricks? Should I leave him be or should i really interact with him. I'm a little clueless.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2010
Syracuse, NY
Quaker parrot, Ralph
Congratulations on becoming a Quaker parront, and a big hello to Tia. :)

Need advice on how to make my 2 year old, second owner quaker comfortable. I want to make his transition easy. Are there any tricks? Should I leave him be or should i really interact with him. I'm a little clueless.

I always recommend Mattie Sue Athan's book, Guide to the Quaker Parrot, to new Quaker parronts. Very informative and helpful.

It takes time for a parrot to adjust to new people and surroundings; give your new QP all the time he needs. Don't overwhelm him with attention, but certainly you should interact with him. Sit near his cage and talk softly to him-- tell him how happy you are that he joined your flock. You can read to him and sing to him too if you'd like. Offer him favorite treats; you may need to experiment a little to learn what he really enjoys. My QP Ralph loves plain popcorn (air-popped, no oil, butter or salt). Most QPs like pumpkin seeds too.


New member
Aug 16, 2012
Largo Florida
two 'tiels both boys, Punkie 4 and Rocky, 3. A one year old green cheek, male named Beeker (rules the house lol), A Senegal about 9 months named Baby, sex undetermined, and a male blue fronted Amazon
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Sorry it took so long to get photos posted for Tia been so busy lately. She seems to have acquired a "potty mouth" from her former home. We had people in and out all day yesterday so none of the birds got to come out of their cages. When Bob went to cover her for the night she was pacing back and forth on the bottom of the cage and clear as day said a rather racey phrase to show her displeasure. Three little words that I cannot post but I'm sure you can guess pretty much what it was LOL. Sure hope the other fids don't pick up on it. We try really hard not to say inappropriate words in earshot of the flock for just that reason.


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New member
Jan 28, 2012
Rotonda West , Fla
yellow sided green cheek conure,Chiquita Quaker parrot Sweetie Pie, African red bellied parrot Tiki, spanish timbrado canary Lucas
She is beautiful congrats on your new quaker:D


New member
Jul 20, 2012
What a pretty precious Tia! Sorry to hear about the potty mouth. I would have loved to have seen your face the first time you heard her "slip". :eek: Makes me sad that some people think it's funny to teach our babies foul language.

Hopefully she'll stop using them and your other babies don't pick up any of those words. :)


New member
Aug 16, 2012
Largo Florida
two 'tiels both boys, Punkie 4 and Rocky, 3. A one year old green cheek, male named Beeker (rules the house lol), A Senegal about 9 months named Baby, sex undetermined, and a male blue fronted Amazon
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hopefully she won't indulge in potty mouth behavior on a regular basis lol. That was the first time she has said anything like that since she has come to us that we have heard. She still cage guards a bit, but behaves well once she is out of the cage. Very curious about her suroundings. The workers will be back at the house in two weeks so that will mean another day of staying in the cage. So we will see if her temper gets the best of her again :cool:. They are redoing the bath/shower area. Once that is done I plan on getting a couple shower perches, one for Willy, and one for the smaller fids. They all enjoy a good misting, and Beeker likes to emerse his entire body in the water dish when he bathes. He will take a bath in Bobs water cup given the chance :D

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