New budgie not accepted by male budgie


New member
Feb 9, 2024
5 cockatiels+5 chicks
I had a budgie pair for 3 years and sadly the female budgie passed away last week due to bacterial infection. I didnt want to leave the male budige alone so today I got a new female budgie and I think she is not an adult yet . My male budgie keeps biting her and I have put her in a sepearate cage. Can someone help me out on this
Hello! Sorry for your loss💞
It makes sense for an adult male budgie to reject another female if he recently had his partner pass. Did he see her body when she passed? If not he might not have been able to grieve and it will take a little time for him to accept she's gone. If she's not an adult he also won't see her as a mate so they really need time to form a friendly bond.
For now it's important you keep them seperated when unsupervised and that your male is stable. Make sure he isn't stressed from the loss, avoid new impressions like different toys or cage setups, keep his diet the same and make sure he gets plenty of sleep especially during the winter.
If he's not stressed you can work on having them bond. Keeping them in seperate cages but next to eachother can help, aswell as letting them eat together; give them some millet at the same time or put it through the bars of both cages so they learn to share. There's not much more you can do for now I'd say these are a good first few steps to take I would say.
Good advice above! When introducing a new budgie to an older budgie , I usually keep them in separate cages but close to each other for a week or two. Then I let them out to fly around the room together and allow them to decide if they want to come back to the same cage or not. Hopefully your two birds become good friends ❤️.
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Thanks a lot for your responses. As your suggestion I have kept them in seperate cages and made the see each other to get used to.

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