New Foster


New member
Apr 12, 2016
Northern Illinois, USA
Bo - DYH ~ Gus - CAG ~ Twitch - Linnie ~ Apple - Pineapple GCC ~ Goliath - Quaker ~ Squish - Peach face Lovebird
So, Mango ended up getting a home this past weekend, which I am happy for. So I got a new foster. An opaline quaker. She isn't aggressive, but she is pretty skittish, so hoping to work with her on building trust and basic manners. She doesn't have a name yet, one of the joys of some of the fosters I get. I love picking out names! The rescue doesn't usually name birds that don't come with one, so that they can be named by their new families. However, I told them one of my conditions of fostering is I will name anything without a name, just because I can't stand working with a bird with no name. I understand their reasoning, but I work a lot more one on one with my fosters than they can with having so many birds, so I don't use the generic "baby", "little bird", etc. I'll post a pic once everyone is up.
We're up, we're up, we're UP!!!

Oh, wait... you meant your birds, didn't you? Uhmmm... well, are they up yet?

How about now?
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Meet Willow!



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Hello Willow and welcome. Pleased for Mango btw, surprised he took to another but pleased for him.
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Hello Willow and welcome. Pleased for Mango btw, surprised he took to another but pleased for him.

Yea, me too. I really liked him, but this leaves me more room for fosters, so I think it really works out for the best. I'm not ready to "settle down" quite yet.
Welcome, Willow! The name really fits, somehow. She seems rather sweet. How old is she?

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Not sure of exact age, but young. She is really sweet, she's just unsure of hands. It took a bit of convincing to get her to stay on my hand long enough for the pictures. I wish people would learn that you have to actually handle your birds for them to become handleable. A young bird does not understand how to step up until they are taught. People don't expect a puppy to know how to sit and lay down without learning, so why do they expect it from birds?

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I'm happy to hear Mango found a home! What a pretty quaker, love the name.
Not sure of exact age, but young. She is really sweet, she's just unsure of hands. It took a bit of convincing to get her to stay on my hand long enough for the pictures. I wish people would learn that you have to actually handle your birds for them to become handleable. A young bird does not understand how to step up until they are taught. People don't expect a puppy to know how to sit and lay down without learning, so why do they expect it from birds?

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Hah! You'd be surprised then... but I agree. It takes work to have a handleable bird, and it also takes work to know how to handle each individual bird in a way that is comfortable for them. I'm glad the beautiful Willow will have a chance to learn that people are good. Quakers have such wonderful personalities.

And congratulations to Mango! While it's sad that he's gone, it's a huge victory he now has a loving forever home.
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Just an update on Willow. She end up finding a wonderful forever home a few weeks ago while she was still with me. My neighbor was over and fell in love with her. She is adored by and adores her new owner. I really think it's a wonderful match.

Although later today she will be coming back to me for a few weeks. My neighbor has a situation where she is caring for a sick friend. The issue is her friend has a dog that cannot be trusted around birds. So she asked if Willow could stay with me for a few weeks. That way it avoids her either being stuck in her cage most of the time or having something horrible happen with the dog. I'm sort of excited about it honestly, she is a fun little bird.

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