New Hahns owner with some questions...


New member
Jul 25, 2011
New York
Hahns Macaw
Just picked up a 9 week old Hahns Macaw on Saturday. He is not weaned yet and my wife has been hand feeding him twice a day as per the directions of from the breeder. I have a couple of questions:

1. When should I begin taming/training the bird? I have read various posts/articles but they all differ. Some say wait until after weaning others say start immediately. Hopefully someone that was in the same situation as me can chime in. He steps up occasionally but does not like to do it when he is in his cage.

2. Since he does not always step up we have a hard time getting him off his perch or cage. It seems that he clings for dear life to what ever he can get a grip on. We have to gently pry his toes from the cage. Are we be harming him in any way by doing this? I keep reading about the bird trusting us and I am worried that this is not helping.

3. Pellets? I want to feed it the best that I can afford. It seems that everywhere I read they are suggesting Harrisons (sp). When I asked the breeder he said that it is overpriced and that the bird would be getting the same nutritional benefits from the brand I purchased from him, the name escapes me.

Sorry so long and thanks in advance for any help.

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