New Macaw Owner


New member
Jan 13, 2013
Virginia Beach
Blue & Gold Macaw
After secretly lusting for a large bird for many years, my husband and I have adopted a blue and gold from our local shelter. She seems to have had a very difficult past,being handed from a breeder to a hoarder and who knows how many in between. She seems like an older bird, is a little bit "bitey" and has plucked herself bald in the shelter. Her chest legs and lower back are completely naked.

She understands the word NO when spoken firmly and I can change her mind about biting me by using it. I have been spending time with her in the shelter for weeks now and I am bringing her home tomorrow. She seems to recognize me when I arrive and they tell my she fusses when I leave.

I will need lots of advice, I am absolutely determined to be the best friend she has ever had. I am a very patient person and have lots of time and love for her. I feel sorry and sad that such a beautiful thing should have been mistreated by more than one owner.

She has no band, is in good health and the vet says her plucking is a nervous habit. I have set up a very large cage near a window in my home that looks out over the ocean. It only gets a few hours of morning sun, and is in an area were she should be able to see me most of the day.

Once I get her home tomorrow how long should I wait to let her out of the cage and interact in a more intimate manner? Need lots of advice, never owned a bird larger than a pair of love birds I had when I first got married.


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Congratulations on the new addition to your family. Coby my GW macaw was the first bird that I have ever had. I got him a little more than three years ago. He also was bitey when I got him and not well socialized. So, my advice only stems from my experience with him. :) It may be a rough road to having a sweet and loving bird but it is so worth it in the long run. Always try to read your bird and go at it's pace. When I first got Coby the closest interaction I could have with him (without getting bit at) was to hold a banana and he would take bites from it. Everything progressed out from there. :red1: If there are any specific situations that occur that I have had similar experience with I will be more than happy to let you know how I dealt with it and how it turned out. :)
Is your new macaw the photo you have attached? If so that is a hybrid macaw and not a blue and gold, though there definitely is blue and gold in there.
Welcome to the forum. Your macaw does look to be a hybrid. I have 2 Catalina hybrids & their chest colors are red/orange. Mine are Blue & Gold/Scarlet. There are other hybrids that have red/orange chests also such as Blue & Gold/Green Wing which are called Harlequins. So it can be hard to know for sure what Karma's mix is.

Karma is beautiful no matter what hybrid she is. It really depends on Karma when you get her home, since you already have good experience with her from your visits. If she is comfortable & settles in quickly you can let her spend time outside her cage on day one., if she is nervous & shy about the move, give her the time she needs to adjust. It is really all about letting the bird decide when they are ready for interaction. Everyone will act differently and Karma may be ready for handling right off or she may just want to get a feel for what kind of lief she is in for.

Good luck with your new cutie. There are lots of macaw owners on here & most have way more experience with them than I do. So you are in good hands here and they will be more than happy to help you.
Welcome to the forum. I think he or she is really going to like the ocean view.:)

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