New to GCC's - a few ?'s..


New member
Sep 20, 2013
We will be welcoming a newly weaned baby GCC in about 3 or so weeks and just have some questions.
The cage I have is a 24lx22wx36or so inches H. Does this sound appropriate for a GCC? 1/2" bar spacing.

I've already started buying some toys and I'm reading that they love ANYTHING they can shred/chew. I love to make things, so definitely open to making my own toys, but where is the best place online "price/variety wise" to buy bird toys and accessories? Food?

The breeder is weaning the baby onto Roudybush pellets, fresh veggies and fruits. Is this a good brand? What about seed? I know there is controversy, can someone give me some explanation why one is better than the other, I thought having both in the diet was better?

One more question! I promise I will be done (for now ;).)
I am really interesting in Flight vest training my GCC, Is this thinking realistically for this species? If I were want to take him/her with me to a friends house, on a walk(I frequently walk), etc,.. I know I will really have to do some serious socialization with him/her, any websites on this process and how to begin it? I'm sure getting an early start as possible is the smartest choice.

I appreciate any help you can offer!
Thank you!
Hiy! Congrats on the baby!! :) The cage sounds great! Mine is 16Dx17wx21h. Its recommended 14Dx16wx25h.

For toys, kings cages is a great place for that and the have kits on there. Also, they have treats.

I use ZuuPreme for pellets but what they uses is probably healthier! Every day or every other day, fruits, veggies, a little spoon full unflavored yogurt for calcium especially for the girls like twice a week, grains like bread. Just making sure, No chocolate, avocado, union, grapes are bad for them im sure you already knew that but just in case!

Hope this helps! Good luck!

P.S. Lilo cant stand the harnesses so I cant help you there! Sorry :/
kq_fan has alreday said what I was going to say.. -_- beat me to it! lol

Regarding the harness, I recommend the Aviator Harness & Leash. All my Green Cheeks have been taught to wear it. However I remember an Indian Ringneck I had once DESPISED any harness.. So really it depends on the bird itself. But if it is young, there is plenty of time to give it good harness experience. :) If you get it, LISTEN TO THE DVD IT COMES WITH! :p


Here is Chico, one of the babies I've been hand-raising: (he is now 10 weeks old and fully weaned, going to his new home tomorrow *sobs*)

And here is Chico and his little brother Eugene having a nice little adventure out in my backyard: (Eugene is going in 1 week)

And congratulations! :D
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I think my cage could be a bit too big for Skittles. It's 30x30x40. It's the same size cage that all my birds are housed in. Skittles seems to be enjoying all the space though.
My GCC Jasmine has an enormous cage - to fit all her toys in. The bigger the better! But be mindful that the wire spacing isn't too wide to get heads stuck in.
How exciting getting a baby GCC
You are correct in researching, one can never stop gaining knowledge
Please post pics when baby arrives
Hiy! Congrats on the baby!! :) The cage sounds great! Mine is 16Dx17wx21h. Its recommended 14Dx16wx25h.

For toys, kings cages is a great place for that and the have kits on there. Also, they have treats.

I use ZuuPreme for pellets but what they uses is probably healthier! Every day or every other day, fruits, veggies, a little spoon full unflavored yogurt for calcium especially for the girls like twice a week, grains like bread. Just making sure, No chocolate, avocado, union, grapes are bad for them im sure you already knew that but just in case!

Hope this helps! Good luck!

P.S. Lilo cant stand the harnesses so I cant help you there! Sorry :/

Grapes are bad for them?? I just bought some to feed Burnzie but haven't yet. I though they were fine if they were seedless, no?
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THANK YOU! For all the information!
I'm going to purchase the aviator harness and leash this week and start buying a few more toys and things for him/her. Chicco is just beautiful by the way! I love his colors and that's so great you are able to take him outside with you!
I'm so excited for him/her to get here! I really would like a male, but I am fine with a female. Just waiting on the dna testing. We are duck dynasty fans and I think if it's a male I'll name him Jace, female not sure yet.

As far as seeds go, aren't seeds more of a natural diet along with fresh fruits/veggies/sprouts of course? Isnt feeding only pellets just feeding a dehydrated diet to our birds 24/7? Like eating chips with some nutrition in them? I will have to do my own research, didnt these birds eat some of these seeds in the wild?

Off to post pics of him, she sends me several pics a week so I will probably just keep a thread going as he grows instead of making multiple threads.

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