New U2 Non Stop Screaming HELP

Sorry for my brief message earlier.

I have a few more questions that would help us figure out this issue.

I want to say, I'm not expert, but I try to figure out the root of the issue and ways fo encourage better behavior while also supporting and encouraging natural behaviors.

So he only screams when you leave the room? You answer my earlier question of if he does anything else when he screams and you answer he only just screams?

Does he run back and forth in the cage? Look fanatically around? Any odd wing movements?

Also do you play music/white noise?

I have a flock of cockatoo companions and do not have screamers. I have taken screamers in and they are no longer screams.

I agree routine is important. My cockatoos know my routine and admittedly are quite upset when routine is disturbed. Like when I work over time. They know I will be home by 4-5pm. If its after 5. I can hear them screaming before I get inside.:)

My guys are up 1-2hrs in the morning before I leave for work and as soon as I get home they come out between 4-5 until 8pm. So roughly a mere 4-5 hours out of cage time per day.

But my cockatoos also have eachother for company so they're not isolated alone all day.

I also play music:) Loudly! Not quietly. But at a nice loud level that they cannot hear me open/close the front door. And they are comforted by this.

I also have several air purifiers always running and a few fans too.
Also/add on;

I do not like it when my birds are loud in the morning. I do not encourage it. I'll ignore it or put them back to bed (this is at 4-5am, not after 7 when its OK to be noisy). So my birds are very quiet bird until evening. Dont get me wrong they have their small loud moments. Nothing crazy.

Then I get home.

I encourage their screaming.

I let them out of their cages and we are in the living room and I turn up the rock n roll and metal and let myself go with them! They love it! Andn its good for them. And for me. Screaming (err..singing loudly inna roar type voice) is healthy! Healthy for everyone. And it teaches them appropriate times for loud noises. And it gives them an opportunity to express a natural behavior: screaming.

I think this and my routine has really helped my screamers scream appropriately:)

Plus I also have large cages and make sure they always have wood to chew on. Pine blocks are a must for a cockatoo. Especially a male! And foot toys! (Toilet paper rolls, horse beads, 1x1" blocks, ABC blocks, plastic animals, etc)
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Right now ww are living with my Mother in law and her mom because they have health issues. We will be selling this house soon because they are going to go to a retirement home and we will be getting a new house. Right now there isn't another room for Sunshine to be in but with us. Today is a bit better.
Personally, you mentioned he needs a bigger cage size. And often times cages are the route to a problem. I'd probably suggest fixing all environmental issues like cage size issues and such. And make sure all medical problems are cleared.

Has he seen an avian vet?

So you did rehome Ninja. It's not a easy process....But you'll start feeling the emptiness the very night when it's all quiet....And I tell you that Conure's scream is up there with a Cockatoo.


You should look into getting him in his own room seriously! That helped me tremendously when I had Java. Still have his moments but he was better. Plus it's a lot easier keep dust contained with air have dust galore, tons and tons of it.....

mikey- when I put him in the transport cage, he gave me this look of betrayal.
He deserves a good home that can tolerate his noise level, otherwise he will be bounced from home to home, and he is just too sweet of a bird for that.
I did enjoy waking up to a quiet morning, with no screaming :D:D
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We've tried music and such. Didn't make a difference. I have a bigger cage a girlfriend of mine is giving me but I have to find a way to get it home. She's 45 minutes away and we don't have a truck. Sunshine had a recent vet visit and all was good from the previous owners before rehomed.
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He or she either stares and yells or does circles.
If he wasnt vetted with your avian vet, its a good idea to take him back in and have a full blood work and everything done, so your vet has records, and so you have records and know that he is as healthy as they said he was.

Many people only take their birds for an exam and then call it good. That isnt good. And they need a full blood work done.

Is it possible to ship to your house?

Doing circles in a cage is a bit of nuerotic behavior. Its called pacing.

Any pictures of him in his cage so we can get a better understanding of his cage layout?

Also, I recommend continual playing of music. Just leave it on. Its not meant for a distraction or to cut his screaming off when you turn it on. Its to help set a white noise flow, which overtime, gives an animal a calmer behavior. People too! :)
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Sunshine had all the blood work and stuff done.
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Here is the cage.


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That's a very tiny cage for a U2....You know you can dismantle the cage and it would fit in a SUV type of vehicle....I did music and everything you can think of to get Java to stop screaming. Nothing worked until he went into his room. My partner and I hide from going upstairs cause he would just scream scream and scream none stop. He wasn't bad when I'm not home I'm told but the moment he hears me coming home, then all heck break
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I don't have a vehicle like that at my disposal unfortunately.
How big is the cage??? We got Willie's cage fit into a Camry with the trunk open and the back seat full along with the from passenger seat prop down. It was tight but my partner got it home and assembled it but it's MUCH easier now with my SUV. You don't know anyone with a SUV or a truck to help you out?
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It's big. No I don't know anyone.
Willie's cage is big too but my partner managed to get it back home had to work that day so I didn't get to witness it....
That cage is too small for an umbrella. He needs to be able to hang upside down and have room to flap his wings. Here's a picture of mine. I didn't bother putting toys on the outside because you can't keep him on the cage he just climbs down and walks over to you.


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Here is the cage.

Thanks for posting the picture.

He is a real cutie! :)

I do think the cage is incredibly small. And it could very well be the route of the problem.

If you cannot drive and get him a new cage, Im going to suggest an online bird store.


The 40x30 is an appropriate size cage, but even it is considered small for a large male Umbrella cockatoo.

The cage you have him in would be a good sleep cage, where he only slept in it, and spend 100% of his daylight hours, on a playstand or play gym area. But if he spends more than just sleep in it, and you both work all day ( more than 4+hours) Im definitely recommend at the bare minimum 40x30 cage I linked above.
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The cage is our next step.
Also I noticed you have a lot of toys in the cage. He really only needs 2 to 3 if you can fit them too many toys and he will run out of room to move. I didn't the exact same thing when I got sydney and he couldn't move in his cage.
I think if you can only put 2-3 toys in a cage before it gets crowded, then its too small.

I can easily put 10 toys in my birds cages, and then it begins to get full. Maybe after 8 toys in the 40x30 cage my female is in, then it gets fullish.

How does a cockatoo keep entertained with only 2-3 toys? My guys would be severely bored. :(

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