Newbie here!


New member
Feb 11, 2007
Hello everyone, what a lovely forum this looks. :) Well I have 3 adorable budgies called Skyla, Willow and Sonny. I will post pics soon :)
Hey Redgirl-

Welcome to the forum! Everyone here is great and I hope you enjoy it.
WOW, there must have been a "newbie bomb" blow up in here the last day or so ... I can think of 3 new members without even hurting myself ... that's really wonderful ... the more bird lovers that we have the better ...

Welcome everyone we are so glad to have you!
wow i cant beleive it i joined like over a week ago it seems like i joined the otehr day.. lol i was going to mention that i just joined to(newbie bomb lol) but then i checked my join date on my profile and ya...
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Hey tex, now you're going to have to specify either 'Redballoon' or 'Redgirl' - can't just say 'Red' anymore!
Poor PETA...with her computer problems, she hasn't been able to say hello to all the new people yet. It's a good thing they're in good hands then.

Hi Redgirl

Its great to be having so many new members, I look forward to seeing lots and lots of pics of all the new fids we have joing the family.

Meghan is it really a week already, Wow time flies when your having fun doesn't it.

Nicole yep this computer is really getting on my nerves now, I feel like throwing it out of a very high window.

I'm so glad that all our new members are in such good hands.​
Welcome Redgirl.

Great bunch of people here with great advice and different advice!!! Get those pics up soon before Peta leaves us!!!

Peta if you throw the computer out the window it might be easier to fix!!! :D

You have to stay online and update us on when you will be bringing Kito home!!!
I have been typing away madly all day getting hubbys reports done, After I had got 3/4 of the way through them he informed me that I could've had the laptop even if I didn't finish the reports they weren't that important. :mad: :D
Hey tex, now you're going to have to specify either 'Redballoon' or 'Redgirl' - can't just say 'Red' anymore!

"Well, maybe not, if I say that none of us here are chemically altered, except for ONE of us *looking at Red*" Well, then you can take that in context ... and get my point, but for the most part, you are right! Hey! How do we know that RedGirl

Peta said:
I have been typing away madly all day getting hubbys reports done, After I had got 3/4 of the way through them he informed me that I could've had the laptop even if I didn't finish the reports they weren't that important.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!! OH, YOU PLAYED RIGHT INTO HIS HANDS! He got you to do his work for him ... *POINTING AND LAUGHING AT PETA* Give hubby a handshake for me, he seems like a pro! :D
Yep even I had to say a real well done on that one, I was played and played good. :18: :35: :30:

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