Noise Levels

Which bird is the most quiet for an apt or condo?

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Jan 17, 2008
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Please respond to my poll regarding noise levels of the various species for an planned purchase, thanks.
Sorry about the spammers Honda (great cars BTW, I love mine) ... they seem to be attracted to polls for some reason ... I don't know too much about bourkes, but the other three would make great options! Budgies can also become very prolific talkers, given the proper environment and motivation.
I had the pleasure of having a hand fed baby rosy bourkes parrakeet as a pet about fifteen years ago and they are precious and adorable. Not the smartest birds around, but very sweet and much quieter than a cockatiel. My little "Bourk Bourk" was very devoted to me and the most docile little bird. He always had free-flight and was as tame as could be.
Another uncommon but splendid small pet bird is a handfed lineolated parrakeet. A bit noisier than a bourkes, but a good deal smarter, and the normal color lineolated is still fairly inexpensive, if hard to find. They remind me of a south american version of a budgie.
budgies can make the most annoying grating noises of any of the small birds i know
I'm going to go with a cockatiel. These little guys are so much fun and I think they would make a good choice for an apartment. Or a Senegal (I'm a little biased)
The poll is done, the results are in ... I am closing this thread do to an absurd amount of spam that keeps showing up in here ... Honda, if you still need more questions answered please feel free to start a new thread that addresses any specific issues that you have ...

I hate locking threads, but I am done deleting spam out of this one specifically!

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