Noisy baby


New member
Jan 23, 2013
I recently bought a Congo African Grey who's 4 months old. I've had him for about 3 weeks now but during the last week or so he's been making these constant squeaks which are loud and piercing. He does this when he's in his cage, when his walking around the house, climbing his jungle gym, eating his fruit and veggies, while we're playing with him and while we're talking to him. He also doesn't play with any of his toys. I just need to know whether this is normal?
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We have lots of CAG Members here, who I am sure will be able to answer your questions.
Is it like a high pitch peep?? Mine has always done this and the more people reacted the more she did it cause apparently she liked it. Our dog always barked at it so she would keep doing it then the kids would yell at the dog for barking. Greys love the attention things bring and yours is young so she is probably testing out the voice. It doesn't get much better but its never really bothered me I would rather she talk and be loud then not sometimes I start whistling just to get her going. Also sometimes it takes some time for them to get comfortable with the toys in their cage especially if it is new. Mine is picky sometimes she loves toys right away and sometimes she won't touch them. Try different toys and remember yours is very young and still new to the world!

Unless something seems wrong with the bird I would say its normal for a grey.
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Yes, it's really high pitch. But once he can't see me anymore then he stops the noise. As soon as he can hear me again then he starts...
They love that noise mine is 17 years old and still does it. Don't react to it because it will never stop. When your with him and he does it try whistling a tune to him to distract him like your joining in. Sometimes this works but he is young and new to you so it could be attention, it could be comforting to him, or he could be scared which is why he stops when you walk away. I also find singing and having a soft tune on works with them also any kind of distracting back noise. He will learn new things and then the new things will be come obsessive for a while. They do things like that but I promise it gets better and the behavior can change.

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