off to the ER ...


New member
May 20, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
Serenity & Pix and their kids Jade & Tango (Peachfaced Lovebirds) and Bonnie (Budgie)
my mother got injured at work and I am off to see how she is. she flipped over her handlebars (she rides a bike as part of her job) and landed head first into a pole.

i will update when i am home (probably late)
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okay, so i get everything together and head out (within like an hour and a half of getting the call - was in the middle of cooking), and half way there she calls saying shes done. so, i turned around and i am awaiting the verdict.
If the hospital let her leave after a head injury like that there can't be all that much, damage ... luckily she is alright!
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yah, there was no concussion. a few scrapes and bangs and bruises and bruised muscles a pulled tendon (just pulled, not badly), shes been told to relax and ice herself tomorrow and friday (not a bad idea anyways seeing as it was 110*F here today). I told her to see her doctor and to take as much time off as necessary. Since it was a work injury they need to pay her for the days shes off (will only be a few days anyways, so less than going through the WCB).

Anyways, had she NOT had her helmet on she'd be in much worse condition. shes got an eye brow bruise, but thats about it for her head. Not even a headache (yet).

Oh, and I got slightly sunburned in less than 30 minutes in the sun (no joke, probably about 15 minutes right in the sun). it is a nasty day out there (well, i like this, but can't stand how it goes from hot to cool here).
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I made her a sea salt, honey and egg yolk bath though and it seems to have worked (she lives here).
I'm so glad that she's okay, give her our best wishes and a big family hug.
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I'll forward your wishes but Im not hugging her ... its too damn hot for that right now (was 110*F today ... erm yesterday now I guess)
Honey and egg yolk.... will ur birds not now attack and eat her?

Or is that part of ur cunning plan...since fiddling with the brakes failed

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