Oldie but Goodie


New member
Aug 16, 2007
Keupi - a Senegal.
There's a ton of veggies in 'harvest' (some are past, some are coming to peak, others are there). Here's a favorite of mine and Keupi loves it:

First - WASH everything.

Second - have two cups of water and an ice cube tray on hand.

I take different varieties of squash (eg., zucchini, yellow) and cut it into chunks.

In a sauce pan, I spray it a little with a non-stick spray, place the squash chunks with either grape tomatoes or cherry tomatoes (whole) .* On low heat, with a spatula I mix and break up the tomatoes. When you're through, it looks like you have a chunky paste (add water in small increments for consistency).

Now - get creative - add in broken up spinach leaves, corn (off the cob - or baby ears cut), cut carrots, peas.

Keep adding water to keep the chunky paste consistency. It's done when you have added everything you want in, and it's mixed well.

With a teaspoon, take a dollop out to cool. The rest, spoon out into the ice cube tray. Freeze until hard (about 1-2 hours) then bag the cubes in a ziploc one for later use.

When the dollop cools, spread on a piece of flatbread, a cracker, thread with a soft bread as base on a kabob, mix it into the treat dish with other favorites...

As for the cubes, they're great to pull out and do the above with 'leftovers' or for that time when you didn't get to the market to buy veggies and the one's you have in the fridge, well, no (it happens).

I keep these for those, um, 'pizza' nights at my house during the winter.

He just eats it up.

It's sort of a catch all but you really can't do wrong.
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I do this every year... it's going into late season farmer's market time. The major key is the tomatoes. If they don't have enough pulp, you need to add more water. If you add too much water (looks like soup) you're fine too - freeze as stated and bag the cubes. Just thaw and serve a 'soup.' Maybe a piece or two of puff pastry thrown in - or cresent rolls.

For those finiky ones top it (regardless of soup or paste) with seed/treats/favored pellets.

As an aside for the parronts - add a little bit of spices, spread over a piece of crusty bread topped with shredded romano and/or parmasean cheese - it's a tasty snack (what - we deserve a treat too!!).
This recipe sounded great until you said "In a saucepan..." C'mon I burn salad.
Seriously though this sounds good my birds love tomato sauce type things.. Maybe I could even trick them into eating something healthy. :rolleyes:
This recipe sounded great until you said "In a saucepan..." C'mon I burn salad.

A great meal is made with love, time and patience ... Do not ever cook on high heat (unless you are boiling water ... then after the water boils you turn it down) and this makes burning food a lot tougher to do ...
Ok I'll admit it. My problem is I always leave the room to resume whatever video game I was playing and assume I'll hear the timer. Don't worry.. no teflon..
I just beat my game yesterday so I should be able to cook for a few days :D
LMAO Flyte, I'm the exact same way. I was trying to vacuum earlier around the computer desk while playing a game.
Tyler has perfected several different gun sounds now.. scares the crap out of my mom by making machine gun noises at her when she comes around the corner. He learned the sounds of a bunch of different people screaming in agony and dying too.. people are going to wonder just what the heck is going on in my house. ;)
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Ok I'll admit it. My problem is I always leave the room to resume whatever video game I was playing and assume I'll hear the timer. Don't worry.. no teflon..
I just beat my game yesterday so I should be able to cook for a few days :D

Flyte - it never helps when your fids can mimic the timer. I don't know whether I stay in shape because of the treadmill or the numerous times I hear that 'beed-a-ba-beep' in a 45 minute period (up down up down up down... ding ding ding - fid having fun).

Congrats on your game!
Sigh. I started the game over again hoping for a new ending. Tyler sometimes starts copying the sound of the gun shooting when he hears it so when I stop shooting I still hear the gun and I get all mad thinking theres a big and I'm wasting ammo. The most annoying sound he makes is the sound of a spoon hitting the side of a glass while stirring liquid. Oh My God. It's way worse than the hammer hitting the nail noise that used to be his fave. He will do it over and over when he wants something and it's SO hard to ignore him
Keupi must really love you, trying to keep you in shape and good health like that!
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Sigh. I started the game over again hoping for a new ending. Tyler sometimes starts copying the sound of the gun shooting when he hears it so when I stop shooting I still hear the gun and I get all mad thinking theres a big and I'm wasting ammo. The most annoying sound he makes is the sound of a spoon hitting the side of a glass while stirring liquid. Oh My God. It's way worse than the hammer hitting the nail noise that used to be his fave. He will do it over and over when he wants something and it's SO hard to ignore him
Keupi must really love you, trying to keep you in shape and good health like that!

If only he came with a snooze button....

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