Ornithology: Share and discuss scientific articles on parrots!

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  • #42
Re: Ornithology

Parrot play, and importance of fledging, ( again , cuz it's so important!) Of note, parrots that don't fledge and learn to fly, often fall or loose balance. This prevents them from a lot of play, and lack confidence. Boy is this ever true in my experience with Penny my rescue old girl who never flew or hadn't in years... It's a real struggle to enrich her life. Now that she can fly some , I've seen her explore new toys, try new foods, move around on perches, and make those bigger steps to perches that farther away. Ok the article!
Re: Ornithology

With our Aussie Rosella's, there is a fair bit of confusion
The Rosella Family is broken up into 2 species: Blue Cheeked and White/ Yellow cheeked
All of the Rosella's are descendants of each other, subspecies have mixed throughout the centuries and create their own new species, and are all over the continent
The Northern Rosella's are the most expensive in Aus, and the Easterns or Pale Heads are the cheapest
There are heaps of sub species like: Western Rosella's - Blue and Red Backed, Pale Headed Rosella's- Normal and Blue Cheeked, Eastern Rosella's - Normal and Golden Mantle, Crimson Rosella's - Normal and Bunya Mountain
There are heaps of different Subspecies here that have not mentioned, but I am not prepared to write them all down
Noah Till

Most of the Rosellas are separate species by themselves. The Western is most unique because it displays sexual dimorphism.

The others are Northern, Pale headed, Eastern, Green and Crimson.

Crimson has many sub species, that others in the past have regarded as separate species.
Re: Ornithology

With our Aussie Rosella's, there is a fair bit of confusion
The Rosella Family is broken up into 2 species: Blue Cheeked and White/ Yellow cheeked
All of the Rosella's are descendants of each other, subspecies have mixed throughout the centuries and create their own new species, and are all over the continent
The Northern Rosella's are the most expensive in Aus, and the Easterns or Pale Heads are the cheapest
There are heaps of sub species like: Western Rosella's - Blue and Red Backed, Pale Headed Rosella's- Normal and Blue Cheeked, Eastern Rosella's - Normal and Golden Mantle, Crimson Rosella's - Normal and Bunya Mountain
There are heaps of different Subspecies here that have not mentioned, but I am not prepared to write them all down
Noah Till

Most of the Rosellas are separate species by themselves. The Western is most unique because it displays sexual dimorphism.

The others are Northern, Pale headed, Eastern, Green and Crimson.

Crimson has many sub species, that others in the past have regarded as separate species.

Out of the Rosellas, here are all the subspecies:
Crimson, Eastern, Pale headed, Adelaide, Northern, Green, Yellow, Blue Cheeked, Golden Mantled and Western
Noah Till
Re: Ornithology

With our Aussie Rosella's, there is a fair bit of confusion
The Rosella Family is broken up into 2 species: Blue Cheeked and White/ Yellow cheeked
All of the Rosella's are descendants of each other, subspecies have mixed throughout the centuries and create their own new species, and are all over the continent
The Northern Rosella's are the most expensive in Aus, and the Easterns or Pale Heads are the cheapest
There are heaps of sub species like: Western Rosella's - Blue and Red Backed, Pale Headed Rosella's- Normal and Blue Cheeked, Eastern Rosella's - Normal and Golden Mantle, Crimson Rosella's - Normal and Bunya Mountain
There are heaps of different Subspecies here that have not mentioned, but I am not prepared to write them all down
Noah Till

Most of the Rosellas are separate species by themselves. The Western is most unique because it displays sexual dimorphism.

The others are Northern, Pale headed, Eastern, Green and Crimson.

Crimson has many sub species, that others in the past have regarded as separate species.

Out of the Rosellas, here are all the subspecies:
Crimson, Eastern, Pale headed, Adelaide, Northern, Green, Yellow, Blue Cheeked, Golden Mantled and Western
Noah Till
They aren't subspecies. A lot of people don't understand this word

Genus: Rosella
crimson rosella (8 subspecies, eg yellow and Adelaide rosella)
green rosella (two subspecies)
western rosella (two subspecies)
eastern rosella (3 subspecies eg. golden mantled rosella)
pale headed rosella (2 subspecies: A. adscitus adscitus and blue cheeked rosella)​
nothern rosella (2 subspecies)
Re: Ornithology

Least I ignore the Taxonomy enthusiast!!
You all might enjoy this article!
Not everything is correct. There are 3 superfamilies, next families:
- New zealand parrots (one family, there's correct)
- cockatoos (one familly, there's correct)
- true parrots (3 families: Psittacidae, Psittrichasiidae,
I am too lazy to explain all clasification, if you want, I can do it in few parts
Re: Ornithology

The taxonomy of the Rosellas is neatly outlined on Wikipedia. Just type in 'Rosella'. If you look at the dates of classification of all the species and subspecies, though, you'll see that most were assigned pre-20th century. I don't know how many, if any, are still in common use and whether DNA has been used to alter the classifications. It's interesting, though.

I've seen a very old book which includes the ringnecks (twenty-eight parrot, Port Lincoln parrot etc) with the rosellas. I can't imagine how anyone would think the two genera were similar, but there y'go! :)
Re: Ornithology

I've seen a very old book which includes the ringnecks (twenty-eight parrot, Port Lincoln parrot etc) with the rosellas. I can't imagine how anyone would think the two genera were similar, but there y'go! :)
Believe me to - in Polish they still oficially are named as "rosellas":D I'm not suprised why Polish breeders inveneted another name used only for Australian ringnecks.;)
Re: Ornithology

It may interest you to know that the name “rosella” is derived from the original name given to the Eastern Rosella when it was first spotted by English settlers in New South Wales, who named them “Rose Hillers” after the new settlement of Rose Hill where they were commonly seen. Since Aussies love to shorten names it was soon contracted to “rosellas” :)
Re: Ornithology

The taxonomy of the Rosellas is neatly outlined on Wikipedia. Just type in 'Rosella'. If you look at the dates of classification of all the species and subspecies, though, you'll see that most were assigned pre-20th century. I don't know how many, if any, are still in common use and whether DNA has been used to alter the classifications. It's interesting, though.

I've seen a very old book which includes the ringnecks (twenty-eight parrot, Port Lincoln parrot etc) with the rosellas. I can't imagine how anyone would think the two genera were similar, but there y'go! :)

I think the Western Rosella is a kind of a bridge species (obviously more towards the Rosella end) between the Ringnecks and other Psephotus clade parrots that are clearly sexually dichromatic and the Rosellas that are not.
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  • #54
Re: Ornithology

The name game is getting a lot of interest!!
You all should link some of the taxanomic reference. So other interested in this can find
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  • #55
Re: Ornithology

Okto soy or not to soy.
This is the first article, I'll look for a couple of others..
I admit I'm against soy..I grew up surrounded by soy feilds, they are a cheap mass production. The plants don't need much to grow, in their natural state nothing eats them in the feild, no wild birds raid, no deer, no rabbits, no groundhog eat it, no mice no rats.... I'm not sure does it have to be processed to be edible???????
It contains photo estrogen, my doctor recommended to eat soy products for hot flashes years ago, (advice might have changed) yuck!
But I will find pro soy article to link to be fair , I know Harrison puts pro cheap soy propaganda info our there ( ok yeah I'm not for soy!)
First link, against soy, bit has Harrison pro soy info in it so 2 for 1
Re: Ornithology

The name game is getting a lot of interest!!
You all should link some of the taxanomic reference. So other interested in this can find
I had mentioned before about IOC World Bird List. Here is their complete parrot list: https://www.worldbirdnames.org/bow/parrots/

I don't really know why there aren't mentioned:
- Superfamilies
- subfamilies
- tribes
- English names of subspecies:(

I noticed that on Wikipedia there often is mentioned their classification. Because of it, I also use it to write all subspecies there.
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  • #60
Re: Ornithology

I've read parrots are the great dispersers! They spread the bounty from up high.
Great article thanks!

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